School Board
1st Row: Yolanda Clark, Randy Lopez, Rachel Russell, Wanda Paige. 2nd Row: Maxine Drew, Robert Milan, Dr. Valdenia Winn
About the Board of Education
Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools is governed by a seven-member body of citizens elected by the voters of the school district. These seven members are charged with making sure that the school district operates in the best interests of the students and the community. All members serve without pay. The board of education is the school district's governing body, as set forth in state and federal law.
The board is responsible for setting district policy, adopting an annual budget, and approving of general district matters, including personnel, curriculum, facilities, and other district business matters. The board is responsible for hiring the superintendent of schools, and is responsible for overseeing the superintendent's duties and performance.
Board of Education meetings are normally held the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month at 5:00 p.m. in the third floor Board Room at the Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools Central Office and Training Center, 2010 N. 59th Street. The entire board meeting schedule can be found in the right submenu — "Meeting Calendar". Except as otherwise provided by law, all meetings for the conduct of the affairs of and the transaction of business by the Board of Education of the Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools shall be open to the public.
How to Address the Board
Those wishing to speak about a policy-related issue at a Board of Education meeting must make their request to the Board Clerk no later than noon the day prior to the Board meeting.
During the Community Comment section near the beginning of the meeting, each speaker will have three minutes to address the Board about policy-related matters. Derogatory or critical remarks about specific district personnel or students are inappropriate and will not be permitted.
If a speaker wishes to discuss a topic which is on the meeting agenda, the speaker's comments will be deferred until that item is considered.