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Listening and Learning Responses

The Board of Education and Superintendent Dr. Anna Stubblefield would like to express our sincere thanks to all parents, students, staff, and community members who participated in the Listening and Learning Session held on Tuesday, November 19, 2024.

We greatly appreciate the valuable feedback provided on key topics, including the cell phone use policy, strategies for engaging parents academically, and ways to enhance the Welcome Center experience for all families.

For those who were unable to attend the session but submitted questions, we encourage you to take a moment to review the answers online.

Additionally, we invite you to share your thoughts on the Cell Phone/Personal Electronic Device Guidelines by participating in our ThoughtExchange survey.

Thank you for your continued engagement and support!


CLick here to take the thought exchange survey

Listening and Learning Session for November 19, 2024

community members sitting around a table with district employees
community members sitting around a table with district employees with Randy Lopex and Dr. Stubblefield standing
community members sitting around a table with district employees

Responses for the Questions on November 19, 2024

This comprehensive FAQ addresses key concerns from parents, students, and teachers, reflecting KCKPS’s commitment to transparency and continuous improvement.