AVID: Advancement Via Individual Determination
What Is AVID?
· AVID - Advancement Via Individual Determination
· AVID’s Mission - To close the opportunity gap by preparing all students for college and career readiness and success in a global society.
AVID Schoolwide
· A strong AVID system that transforms the Instruction, Systems, Leadership, and Culture of a school, ensuring college and career readiness for all AVID Elective/Excel Elective students and improved academic performance for all students based on increased opportunities.
· WICOR stands for Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading
AVID Elective
· The AVID elective is a course in middle and high school only. High school it is offered as an elective. Middle school students enrolled in the AVID elective will receive the course content through their Family Advocacy class.
· The AVID elective is designed to support college and career readiness.
· Students are invited to enroll in the AVID Elective and enroll with parent permission.
· Please reach out to your child’s school and ask to speak with the AVID Site Coordinator.