High School Course Guide
Graduation Requirements
In Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools, to qualify for high school graduation, 21 units of credit with a minimum enrollment in seven semesters is required (See Board Policy IHF). The high school graduation requirements are designed to be completed in eight semesters.
A Distinguished Diploma shall be awarded to students who earn 31 credits (to include the 25 credits outlined for a Recognized Diploma) and earn an Associates Degree and/or International Baccalaureate Diploma.
See Requirements
Courses |
Recognized Diploma
Foundational Diploma
English *College level English courses may fulfill these credits. |
4.5 Credits*
4 Credits*
Math *College level math courses may fulfill these credits. |
4 Credits*
3 Credits
Social Studies *College level social studies courses may fulfill these credits. |
3 Credits*
3 Credits*
Science *College level science courses may fulfill these credits. |
3 Credits*Must include 1 credit from life science, 1 credit from physical science, and 1 additional science credit. |
3 Credits*Must include 1 credit from life science, 1 credit from physical science, and 1 additional science credit. |
P.E. / Health |
1 Credit |
1 Credit |
Fine Arts |
1 Credit |
1 Credit |
2 CreditsMust include Financial Literacy [formerly Consumer Education] (.5 credit) and Business Communications (.5 credit) |
Courses taken in this area may count towards the six credits of electives. |
World Languages *College level world language courses may fulfill these credits. |
2 Credits*Two years of one language |
Courses taken in this area may count towards the six credits of electives. |
Electives |
4.5 Credits |
6 Credits |
**The 21 credit Foundational Diploma will require a parent meeting with a counselor and will not qualify the student for The Kansas Scholars Curriculum.
New Graduation Requirements for 2028
Courses | Recognized Diploma 25 Total Credits |
Foundational Diploma 21 Total Credits |
Communications |
Society and Humanities |
STEM -College level math courses may fulfill these credits |
Employability and Life Skills |
Post-Secondary Assets | A Diploma+ and any state asset | A Diploma+ and any state asset |
Other | Completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid* | Completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid* |
A Distinguished Diploma shall be awarded to students who earn 31 credits (to include the 25 credits outlines for a Recognized Diploma) and earn an Associates Degree and/or International Baccalaureate Diploma.
*Families may opt out.
**NCAA requires students to take 4 full credits of English. The NCAA will not allow a communication course to replace an English course.
High School Grading Policy
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IHA – Grading System Policy from School/Parent Handbook
The purpose of grading shall be to communicate student learning with students and parents/guardians. The communication shall be as such to invite participation within the student’s learning process. Grades shall communicate student learning relative to clearly stated instructional expectations based on the standards of the content. Grades shall be mainly determined by assessments in the form of, but not limited to written tests, essays, science experiments, multimedia presentations, products, performances, works of art, speeches, demonstrations, etc. Daily assignments, class participation, application of skills, etc. can be considered as a portion of the grade.
Report cards for all students shall be sent home and posted in the online gradebook four times a year at the end of a quarter. In addition, progress reports for all students shall be issued at the midpoint of each quarter. Grades shall be updated in the online gradebook each week (approximately 10 per quarter) to keep everyone informed of student progress.
Grading Scale
All student work is based on standards. Grades cannot be explicitly used for reward or punishment. Grading practices cannot place a student in a situation where he/she is doomed to fail mid-year with no recourse.
Grade Scales-Student performance shall be communicated using the appropriate grade-level scale.
The scale for reporting grades in Grades 6 through 12.
- A – 90-100%
- B – 80-89%
- C – 70-79%
- D – 60-69%
- F–59% or below
- I – Incomplete
High School Credit
High school credit for successful completion of outcomes shall be based on the grades determined by the student’s teachers of record for the courses in which the student is enrolled each semester. High school credit shall be awarded for the letter grades of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” or “P” if in accordance with an approved Pass/Not Passed option. High school credit shall not be awarded for grades of “F” or “I” for incomplete. With the exception of quarter credit classes, all course credits will be issued on a semester basis.
Each high school shall organize its program on the basis of units of credit. “Unit of credit” means one unit of credit earned for satisfactory completion of any approved subject taught for a minimum of one class period for two semesters or two class periods for one semester. One-half unit of credit shall be earned for approved subjects taught for a minimum of one class period for one semester or two class periods for one quarter.
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Course #: 01091020
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 9-12
Other Information: None
Description: English 1 is a standards-based course focusing on thematic units of study appropriate to grade level 9. The curriculum comprises a variety of literary and informational text, writing for various purposes, speaking and listening, and language skills (e.g., grammar, vocabulary). Students analyze texts for key ideas and details, evaluating the author’s craft and textual structures in order to integrate ideas and details into well-written texts of their own. Students take part in collaborative discussions to develop textual, visual, digital, and media literacies.
Course #: 01091042
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 9-12
Other Information: None
Description: English 1 Honors is a standards-based course focusing on thematic units of study as in English 1. The curriculum comprises a variety of literary and informational text, writing for various purposes, speaking and listening, and language skills (e.g., grammar, vocabulary). Students analyze texts for key ideas and details, evaluating the author’s craft and textual structures in order to integrate ideas and details into well written texts of their own. Students take part in collaborative discussions to develop textual, visual, digital, and media literacies. Students should expect varying reading and writing tasks than those assigned in English 1. This course requires more in-depth study of the curriculum. Students should carefully consider the extra time needed for this challenging course.
Course #: 01101020
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: English 1 or English 1 Honors
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Other Information: None
Description: English 2 is a standards-based course focusing on thematic units of study appropriate to grade level 10. The curriculum comprises a variety of literary and informational text, writing for various purposes, speaking and listening, and language skills (e.g., grammar, vocabulary). Students analyze texts for key ideas and details, evaluating the author’s craft and textual structures in order to integrate ideas and details into well-written texts of their own. Students take part in collaborative discussions to develop textual, visual, digital, and media literacies.
Course #: 01101042
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: English 1 or English 1 Honors
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Other Information: None
Description: English 2 Honors is a standards-based course focusing on thematic units of study as in English 2. The curriculum comprises a variety of literary and informational text, writing for various purposes, speaking and listening, and language skills (e.g., grammar, vocabulary). Students analyze texts for key ideas and details, evaluating the author’s craft and textual structures in order to integrate ideas and details into well written texts of their own. Students take part in collaborative discussions to develop textual, visual, digital, and media literacies. Students should expect varying reading and writing tasks than those assigned in English 2. This course requires more in-depth study of the curriculum. Students should carefully consider the extra time needed for this challenging course.
Course #: 01111020
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: English 2 or English 2 Honors
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: None
Description: English 3 is a standards-based course focusing on thematic units of study appropriate to grade level 11. The curriculum comprises a variety of literary and informational text, writing for various purposes, speaking and listening, and language skills (e.g., grammar, vocabulary). Students analyze texts for key ideas and details, evaluating the author’s craft and textual structures in order to integrate ideas and details into well-written texts of their own. Students take part in collaborative discussions to develop textual, visual, digital, and media literacies.
Courses by Subject
- English
- Mathematics
- Social Studies
- Science
- Physical Education
- Fine and Performing Arts
- Speech Communications
- Career & Technical Education
- World Languages
- Electives
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- Honors Classes
- International Baccalaureate (IB)
- Kansas City Kansas Community College Dual Enrollment Courses (KCKCC)
- Bio+
- Tech Impact
Social Studies
Physical Education
Fine and Performing Arts
Speech Communications
Career & Technical Education
The Goal of Career and Technical Education
Career and technical education (CTE) prepares learners for high-wage, high-skill, high-demand careers. The goal of CTE is to prepare students to be college- and career-ready by integrating academic, employability, and technical skills. Through clear career pathways and postsecondary partnerships, CTE provides students with a rigorous and relevant curriculum that will allow students to successfully transition to life after graduation. Career and technical education provides students with skills to launch them into a successful career or postsecondary track. CTE students are more engaged and perform better in school.
World Languages
The Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) program at Washington High School teaches leadership and management skills through the KS-931st AFJROTC Wing. Our mission is simply developing citizens of character dedicated to serving the nation and community. Enrollment in the corps in no way obligates the cadet for military service. Instructors have extensive professional military education and training as well as many years experience teaching and training others.
The ROTC Program is available at Washington High School ONLY.
Advanced Placement (AP)
Honors Classes
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Kansas City Kansas Community College Dual Enrollment Courses (KCKCC)
Students at F. L. Schlagle, J. C. Harmon, Washington, & Wyandotte can begin work on a post-secondary certificate through KCKCC’s Technical Education Center while still in high school. Most programs are one half-day and transportation is provided from the school to TEC. Students may begin as early as grade 11 and some programs require finishing after high school graduation.
High school students with an interest in being an educator can join the K-STEP Up program. This program has specialized events and support, along with KCKCC course in high school to earn college credits towards an education degree. Transfer to K-State’s online program as a college junior to complete a degree, including student teaching in KCKPS as a college senior. In addition to enrolling in the general education KCKCC classes, these four courses are featured as part of the K-STEP Up program:
The Bio+ program is a full year, half day program combining foundational science knowledge with advanced laboratory skills and professional practices. Students are prepared to enter college as a STEM major and/or take an entry level position in the bioscience manufacturing facilities where aseptic techniques and biosafety concerns are needed (e.g., animal health, medical, or food packaging). The curriculum includes both theory and practical application by training in biomanufacturing and science laboratories. Upon completion of the program, students receive a biomanufacturing certification.
Tech Impact
Students in grades 11 and 12 who are interested in an Information Technology career may apply to enroll in Tech Impact. In the first semester of the program, students work alongside professionals at Cerner, a health care IT company, and complete the course Database Management KCKCC. Students then apply for an internship for second semester. Second semester projects range from client interactions to server management tasks as part of a Cerner Scholar Internship. While exact projects vary over time, each provides opportunities to build professional and technical skills. Students who complete the program in grade 11 may apply to participate for an additional two semesters in grade 12.
Browse All Courses in Alphabetical Order
Course #: 21110328
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Bring your drawings to life in 2D Animation! Learn the art of motion through hands-on projects that teach you to create characters, design scenes, and produce animated sequences using industry-standard software. Explore storyboarding, lip-syncing, and special effects while mastering the principles of animation. Perfect for students ready to turn their creativity into dynamic storytelling for film, games, and digital media!
Course #: 21520331
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Learn how to manage money like a pro in this Accounting course! You'll explore key skills like recording transactions, creating budgets, tracking profits, and understanding payroll and taxes. With hands-on practice using tools like spreadsheets, you'll gain valuable knowledge for careers in business, finance, or entrepreneurship. This course is your first step to mastering the language of money!
Course #: 99119011
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: ACT Preparation is designed to ready students to take the ACT test.
Course #: 07129011
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Design Fundamentals (required) and two other studio classes of the students choosing
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This course is designed for those students interested in compiling a portfolio towards higher education interests such as college entrance and scholarship goals or technical school or business opportunities. Students will be encouraged to study a variety of media with emphasis placed on student preferences, both two and three-dimensional. Emphasis will be placed on student growth in preferred media. Different types of portfolio compilation will be reviewed so that the student may begin to develop a portfolio to suit their particular needs. Careers in the field of art will be researched so that career goals may be developed. Student must have completed three other studio courses prior to enrolling in Advanced Art Studio 1, one of which must be Design Fundamentals.
Course #: 07129021
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Design Fundamentals (required and two other student classes of the students choosing and then Advanced Art Studio 1
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This course is designed for those students interested in compiling a portfolio towards higher education interests such as college entrance and scholarship goals or technical school or business opportunities. Students will be encouraged to study a variety of media with emphasis placed on student preferences, both two and three-dimensional. Emphasis will be placed on student growth in preferred media. Different types of portfolio compilation will be reviewed so that the student may begin to develop a portfolio to suit their particular needs. Careers in the field of art will be researched so that career goals may be developed.
Course #: 21140559
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre-Requisite: successful completion of Woodworking Principles with a grade of C or higher
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: In this hands-on course, you'll design, plan, and construct projects using advanced materials and cutting-edge techniques. From selecting the best materials to mastering tools, finishes, and fabrication methods, you'll gain real-world experience.
Course #: 08102030
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Instructor Approval
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: Advanced Treble Ensemble is an advanced choral ensemble for students with treble voices who exceed prescribed skills in the curriculum. Students in this choir will perform choral literature from a variety of styles; instruction is focused on the development of individual vocal technique and ensemble performance skills. Students are assessed on skills that are demonstrated both during and outside of the school day; evening activities are encouraged. This course may be taken for credit in multiple years.
Course #: 02091920
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Math 8
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: The critical areas in Algebra 1 deepen and extend understanding of linear and exponential relationships by contrasting them with each other and by applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend. Students engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions. Algebra 1 is a high school level course and is also available to all 8th grade students based on the recommendation of the 7th grade math teacher or successful completion of Math 7 Honors.
Course #: 02091030
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Math 8
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Algebra 1+ is available for students seeking to be academically challenged. The course expands and enriches the critical content of Algebra 1 to prepare students for future academic success in mathematics, catering to students pursuing college credit classes at the high school level. Any student can access this course.
Course #: 02101040
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Geometry
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: Algebra 2 builds on work with linear, quadratic, and exponential functions; students extend their repertoire of functions to include polynomial, rational, and radical functions. Students work closely with the expressions that define the functions and continue to expand and hone their abilities to model situations and solve equations, including quadratic equations, over the set of complex numbers and solving exponential equations using the properties of logarithms.
Course #: 02102240
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Geometry or Geometry+
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course extends student understanding of mathematical functions to include polynomial, rational, and radical functions. Throughout the course, students will work closely with the expressions that define these functions, expanding and refining their abilities to model real-world situations and solve various equations. This includes the mastery of solving quadratic equations over a set of complex numbers and exponential equations using the properties of logarithms. Additionally, the curriculum emphasizes trigonometric ratios and their applications.
Course #: 04112021
Credit Type: Social Studies
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: American Government provides an overview of the structure and functions of the U.S. government and political institutions and examines constitutional principles, the concepts of rights and responsibilities, the role of political parties and interest groups, and the importance of civic participation in the democratic process. Students will examine the structure and function of state and local governments and cover economic and legal topics. Recurring themes at each level are examined and applied to current events. Citizenship is encouraged by participating in voter registration, local political debates, county government days, and visits to the county courthouse.
Course #: 04122901
Credit Type: Social Studies
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: appropriate Accuplacer score or high school GPA 2.5+ and ‘C’ in most recent English course
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 3 hours
Grade Level: 12
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC POSC-0111 - American Government, 3 credit hours KCKCC Description: This is a study of the historical backgrounds, governing principles, institutions, domestic and foreign policy goals of the National Government of the United States. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer score of 255 on Reading and Writing tests. (Rev. Feb 2020; https://www.kckcc.edu/files/docs/academics/catalog/2018-2019/course-descriptions.pdf)
Course #: 04102020
Credit Type: Social Studies
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: American History examines the history of the United States from the Reconstruction era through the present time. It is a survey course, which details the development of U.S. political, economic, and social institutions and the changes in society as it evolved from an agricultural nation into an industrial nation. Attention is given to recurring themes and issues and students learn to link past and present.
Course #: 03112005
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course is usually taken after a comprehensive initial study of biology, Anatomy and Physiology presents the human body and biological systems in more detail. In order to understand the structure of the human body and its functions, students learn anatomical terminology, study cells and tissues, explore functional systems (skeletal, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, nervous, and so on), and may dissect mammals.
Course #: 21110519
Credit Type: Career & Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre-Requisite: successful completion with a C or higher of at least 1.0 technical credits in the pathway
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor
Other Information: Advanced Placement and Pre-AP courses are available for high school students. The exact courses scheduled at a building each school year depend on student interest and instructor availability. See the school counselor for additional information.
Description: Dive into the world of programming with AP Computer Science A! This course follows a college-level curriculum, teaching you how to design, write, and debug computer programs to solve real-world problems. You'll master key concepts like object-oriented programming, algorithms, data structures, and debugging techniques, all while working with Java. Get ready to build your coding skills and prepare for exciting opportunities in technology!
Course #: 21110317
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co-Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Other Information: Advanced Placement and Pre-AP courses are available for high school students. The exact courses scheduled at a building each school year depend on student interest and instructor availability. See the school counselor for additional information.
Description: Discover the exciting world of computer science with AP Computer Science Principles! Learn about programming, algorithms, big data, the Internet, and cybersecurity while exploring how technology shapes the world. Through creative projects, you'll solve real-world problems, process information, and build digital solutions. This hands-on course will expand your understanding of computer science and its impact on society!
Course #: 21520521
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre-Requisite: successful completion with a C or higher of at least 1.0 technical credits in the pathway
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Bring your business ideas to life in Applied Business Development! This course teaches you how to plan, launch, and manage a business while tackling real-world challenges. Develop skills in market analysis, financial planning, and team leadership. With hands-on projects and problem-solving opportunities, you'll gain the tools to succeed as an entrepreneur or business leader. Perfect for students ready to turn their creativity into a thriving enterprise!
Course #: 21110534
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre-Requisite: successful completion with a C or higher of at least 1.0 technical credits in the pathway
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Step into the professional world of design! This course combines hands-on projects with real-world experiences to solve graphic design challenges. Create a professional portfolio, develop your personal brand, and work directly with clients on design solutions. Gain valuable skills in communication, time management, and industry-standard software, preparing you for a future in graphic design and beyond!
Course #: 07141022
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: previously taken a level 2 course
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY)
Description: IB Art/Design courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Art/Design exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. IB Art/Design courses help develop student’s aesthetic and creative faculties, offer training in awareness and criticism of art, and enable students to create quality works of art of their own. Students perform both studio and research work; the research component is designed to investigate particular topics or concepts of interest in further detail.
Course #: 07141042
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Art & Design 1 IBH
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Art/Design courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Art/Design exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. IB Art/Design courses help develop student’s aesthetic and creative faculties, offer training in awareness and criticism of art, and enable students to create quality works of art of their own. Students perform both studio and research work; the research component is designed to investigate particular topics or concepts of interest in further detail.
Course #: 07119041
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: An understanding and knowledge of diverse historical and cultural contexts of architecture, sculpture, painting, and other media will be developed in this class. Students will examine and critically analyze major forms of artistic expression from the past and present from a variety of cultures.
Course #: 07119021
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: The Western Art History course offers a chronological survey of Western art from the beginning of civilization to the present time, including the most modern trends and ideas in the ever-changing world of art. An understanding and knowledge of diverse historical and cultural contexts of architecture, sculpture, painting, and other media will be developed in this class. This course can be taken before or after Art History: Beyond the West.
Course #: 03117002
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course offers students the opportunity to study the solar system, stars, galaxies, and interstellar bodies. These courses usually introduce and use astronomical instruments and typically explore theories regarding the origin and evolution of the universe, space, and time.
Course #: 06105011
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Essentials of Physical Education
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course is designed for the focused athlete emphasizing strength training, as well as general conditioning. Free weights and weight machines will be utilized, in addition to cardiovascular and flexibility training.
Course #: 06115021
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Athletic Weight Training 1
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course is designed for the focused athlete emphasizing strength training, as well as general conditioning. Free weights and weight machines will be utilized, in addition to cardiovascular and flexibility training.
Course #: 21110330
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Lights, camera, action! This course introduces you to the exciting world of audio and video production. Learn how to plan, shoot, and edit videos using professional techniques and equipment. Explore careers in media, develop creative storytelling skills, and create projects that entertain and inspire. If you've ever wanted to make your own videos or explore media production, this class is your first step!
Course #: 21110538
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre-Requisite: successful completion of Audio/Video Production 1 with a grade of C or higher
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: In this course, you'll plan, produce, and edit projects from start to finish. Learn how to set up equipment, manage production workflows, and troubleshoot challenges while creating professional-quality videos. You'll also explore career opportunities, build a portfolio, and gain real-world experience to prepare for success in the media industry.
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 2.0 per semester
College Credit: Yes
Total College Credits in Program: 52
College Hours Earned starting in 11th grade: 42
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 10
College Hours Earned starting in 12th grade: 21
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 31
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: Automotive Collision Repair is designed to give the student the extensive practical experience and technical knowledge needed by the skilled automotive repair technician. Straightening bent frames, removing dents from fenders and body panels, welding broken metal, replacing damaged parts, and refinishing auto bodies are all part of the course. (7:30-10:35 or 11:20-2:15)
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 2.0 per semester
College Credit: Yes
Total College Credits in Program: 53
College Hours Earned starting in 11th grade: 42
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 11
College Hours Earned starting in 12th grade: 21
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 32
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: Automotive mechanics work on cars and other vehicles when there is a need for repair or maintenance. Students encounter the technology that makes up the field as they work on mock-up engines, test engines, or their own vehicles. To give students practical experience, service operations are conducted in a professional shop atmosphere using late model automobiles.
Course #: 99092010
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09
Description: Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a program to prepare students for higher-level courses such as Pre-AP/AP courses, dual/concurrent classes, TEC, and/or post-secondary education. AVID course work focuses on entrance and placement exams, career and college knowledge, test-taking strategies, refining Cornell note-taking strategy, time management, organizational skills, and presentation methods. This full-year course is meant to be followed by additional years of participation in the program.
Course #: 99102010
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10
Description: Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a program to prepare students for higher-level courses such as Pre-AP/AP courses, dual/concurrent classes, TEC, and/or post-secondary education. AVID course work focuses on entrance and placement exams, career and college knowledge, test-taking strategies, refining Cornell note-taking strategy, time management, organizational skills, and presentation methods. This full-year course is meant to be followed by additional years of participation in the program.
Course #: 99112010
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11
Description: Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a program to prepare students for higher-level courses such as Pre-AP/AP courses, dual/concurrent classes, TEC, and/or post-secondary education. AVID course work focuses on entrance and placement exams, career and college knowledge, test-taking strategies, refining Cornell note-taking strategy, time management, organizational skills, and presentation methods. This full-year course is meant to be followed by additional years of participation in the program.
Course #: 99122010
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 12
Description: Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a program to prepare students for higher-level courses such as Pre-AP/AP courses, dual/concurrent classes, TEC, and/or post-secondary education. AVID course work focuses on entrance and placement exams, career and college knowledge, test-taking strategies, refining Cornell note-taking strategy, time management, organizational skills, and presentation methods. This full-year course is meant to be followed by additional years of participation in the program.
Course #: 21120319
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Learn the fundamentals of the baking industry, including food safety, equipment use, and ingredient functions. Master techniques for making break, cookies, cakes, pastries, and more, while exploring the science behind each recipe. This hands-on course is perfect for students passionate about creating delicious baked goods and exploring careers in the culinary world.
Course #: 21120321
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
Pre-Requisite: successful completion of Baking and Pastry 1 with a grade of C or higher
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: This course builds on Baking and Pastry 1, diving deeper into the production of breads, pastries, pies, and specialty desserts. You'll refine techniques in culinary math, safety, sanitation, and ingredient functions while creating professional-quality baked goods. This hands-on course prepares you for advanced culinary opportunities and career readiness in the baking industry.
Course #: 21520533
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
Co-Requisite: Investing
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: In this course, you will learn how banks operate, how they generate profit, and the laws and regulations that govern the industry. Gain skills in financial analysis, technology, and security while discovering the loan application process and the importance of building strong client relationships. This course also offers insights into careers in banking, helping you plan your future in the financial industry.
Course #: 08092011
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Bass Chorus is a training organization for tenor and bass voices, designed to develop basic vocal technique, music literacy, and performance skills. Students are assessed on skills that are demonstrated both during and outside of the school day. Attendance is encouraged at both in and out-of-school rehearsals and performances. This course may be taken for credit in multiple years.
Course #: 08095002
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Beginning band is for students with no prior band experience. Emphasis will be on music reading, rhythmic counting, technical skills, and tone production to prepare for advancement to the high school band.
Course #: 03101020
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: This course is a laboratory-oriented course designed to introduce students to the diversity of living organisms. The course introduces basic principles of morphology and function in the plant and animal kingdoms, microbiology, reproduction, heredity, and biological processes and systems.
Course #: 03141012
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Biology courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Biology exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. In keeping with the general aim of IB Experimental Sciences courses, IB Biology promotes understanding of the facts, principles, and concepts underlying the biological field; critical analysis, evaluation, and generation of scientific information and hypotheses; improved ability to communicate scientific ideas; and an awareness of the impact of biology and scientific advances in biology upon both society and issues of ethical, philosophical, and political importance. Course content varies, but includes study of living organisms from the cellular level through functioning entities within the biosphere. Laboratory experimentation is an essential component of these courses.
Course #: 03141002
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Biology courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Biology exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. In keeping with the general aim of IB Experimental Sciences courses, IB Biology promotes understanding of the facts, principles, and concepts underlying the biological field; critical analysis, evaluation, and generation of scientific information and hypotheses; improved ability to communicate scientific ideas; and an awareness of the impact of biology and scientific advances in biology upon both society and issues of ethical, philosophical, and political importance. Course content varies, but includes study of living organisms from the cellular level through functioning entities within the biosphere. Laboratory experimentation is an essential component of these courses.
Course #: 03141022
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Biology courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Biology exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. In keeping with the general aim of IB Experimental Sciences courses, IB Biology promotes understanding of the facts, principles, and concepts underlying the biological field; critical analysis, evaluation, and generation of scientific information and hypotheses; improved ability to communicate scientific ideas; and an awareness of the impact of biology and scientific advances in biology upon both society and issues of ethical, philosophical, and political importance. Course content varies, but includes study of living organisms from the cellular level through functioning entities within the biosphere. Laboratory experimentation is an essential component of these courses
Course #: 03141032
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Biology courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Biology exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. In keeping with the general aim of IB Experimental Sciences courses, IB Biology promotes understanding of the facts, principles, and concepts underlying the biological field; critical analysis, evaluation, and generation of scientific information and hypotheses; improved ability to communicate scientific ideas; and an awareness of the impact of biology and scientific advances in biology upon both society and issues of ethical, philosophical, and political importance. Course content varies, but includes study of living organisms from the cellular level through functioning entities within the biosphere. Laboratory experimentation is an essential component of these courses.
Course #: 03101020
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: Adhering to the curricula recommended by the College Board and designed to parallel college-level introductory biology courses, AP Biology courses emphasize four general concepts: evolution; cellular processes (energy and communication); genetics and information transfer; and interactions of biological systems. For each concept, these courses emphasize the development of scientific inquiry and reasoning skills, such as designing a plan for collecting data, analyzing data, applying mathematical routines, and connecting concepts in and across domains. AP Biology courses include college-level laboratory investigations.
Course #: 03121002
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: appropriate Accuplacer score or high school GPA 2.5+ and a ‘C’ in most recent English
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 5 hours
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC BIOL-0121 - General Biology, 5 credit hours KCKCC Description: General Biology introduces fundamental biological principles characteristic of all living things. Lecture and laboratory work will review the scientific method (experimental and observational science), levels of organization and emergent properties of life, molecular and cell biology, bioenergetics, reproduction, genetics, evolution and ecology. A prior course in Chemistry is recommended. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer Reading score 240+ (Rev. Feb 2020; https://www.kckcc.edu/files/docs/academics/catalog/2018-2019/course-descriptions.pdf)
Course #: 03101050
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course is a laboratory-oriented course designed to introduce students to the diversity of living organisms. The course introduces basic principles of morphology and function in the plant and animal kingdoms, microbiology, reproduction, heredity, and biological processes and systems.
Course #: 21260515
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: successful completion with a C or higher of at least 1.0 technical credits in the pathway
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: In Biomedical Innovation, you'll tackle real-world health challenges by applying your knowledge of biomedical sciences. Explore topics like clinical medicine, biomedical engineering, and public health while designing innovative solutions to 21st-century problems. This hands-on capstone course lets you work on independent projects, create prototypes, and present your findings to professionals in the healthcare and business community.
Course #: 03112021
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course is a laboratory oriented course focusing on the study of plants from the primitive algae to the complex seed plants. The class provides students with an understanding of plants, their life cycles, and their evolutionary relationships.
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 2.0 per semester
College Credit: Yes
Total College Credits in Program: 44
College Hours Earned starting in 11th grade: 32
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 12
College Hours Earned starting in 12th grade: 12
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 32
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This course includes classroom instruction and extensive hands-on experience in the fundamentals require to maintain commercial property and apartments. Students may also choose to concentrate on home remodeling or general landscaping. Custodial and basic appliance repair are also available.
Course #: 04117021
Credit Type: Social Studies
Credit: 0.5
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Business Economics integrates economic principles (such as free market economy, consumerism, and the role of American government within the economic system) with entrepreneurship/business concepts (such as marketing principles, business law, and risk). With a primary emphasis on the principles of microeconomics and the U.S. economic system. Students will also cover topics such as principles of macroeconomics, international economics, and comparative economics.
Course #: 21520317
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Discover the foundations of the legal system and its impact on business and individuals in Business Law. Explore topics like criminal and civil law, contracts, property rights, consumer protection, and employment law. Learn how laws shape business practices, ethical decision-making, and government compliance. This course is perfect for students interested in understanding legal concepts and exploring careers in law, business, or public administration.
Course #: 21520319
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: This course covers planning, staffing, financing, and controlling functions, giving you a macro-level understanding of the business world. You'll learn about management styles, economic principles, human resources, and risk management, while applying real-world problem-solving skills to make informed decisions. Perfect for students ready to build a strong foundation for success in business!
Course #: 02123016
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Calculus KCKCC
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 5 hours
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC MATH-0123 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry II, 5 credit hours KCKCC Description: Calculus & Analytic Geometry II is designed for students in mathematics, hard sciences, and engineering. Content includes calculus of transcendental functions, differential equations, applications of integration, integration techniques, infinite series, conic sections, and parametric and polar equations. Students will be expected to use appropriate technology as one tool to achieve competency in Calculus and Analytic Geometry II. A graphing calculator is required for this course. Pre-requisites: Grade of C or higher in MATH-0122 Calculus & Analytic Geometry I (Rev. Feb 2020; https://www.kckcc.edu/files/docs/academics/catalog/2018-2019/course-descriptions.pdf)
Course #: 02123010
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: appropriate Accuplacer score, or Math ACT 21+ (SAT 520+), or high school GPA 3.5+ and a ‘C’ or better in Algebra 2 or beyond
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 5 hours
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC MATH-0122 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry I, 5 credit hours KCKCC Description: Calculus I is designed for students in mathematics, hard sciences, and engineering. Content includes limits and their properties, differentiation and its applications, integration, and calculus of exponential and logarithmic functions. Students will be expected to use appropriate technology as one tool to achieve competency in Calculus I. A graphing calculator is required for this course. Pre-requisites: Grade of C or higher in MATH-0108 Pre-Calculus (Rev. Feb 2020; https://www.kckcc.edu/files/docs/academics/catalog/2018-2019/course-descriptions.pdf)
Course #: 21260327
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: This course introduces you to the fundamentals of athletic healthcare, including injury prevention, assessment, and rehabilitation. Learn about anatomy, patient care, legal considerations, and therapeutic techniques like taping, stretching, and massage. Through hands-on practice and real-world scenarios, you'll gain valuable skills for pursuing a career in athletic training, physical therapy, or other health science fields.
Course #: 21120525
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
Pre-Req: successful completion with a C or higher of at least 1.0 technical credits in the pathway
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Experience the real world of work! Work with mentors, build professional skills, and explore real workplace environments. Perfect for students ready to develop leadership, communication, and problem-solving abilities while preparing for their future careers!
Course #: 21140353
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co-Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Learn the essential skills of construction in Carpentry 1! This course introduces you to the tools, techniques, and safety standards used in the industry. Gain hands-on experience in blueprint reading, building materials estimation, and consulting flooring, wall, and roof systems. Master the use of hand and power tools while learning foundational construction methods for residential and commercial projects. Perfect for students ready to build their future in construction!
Course #: 21140557
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre-Requisite: successful completion of Carpentry 1 with a grade of C or higher
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Advance your construction skills with Carpentry 2! This course builds on the foundations from Carpentry 1, focusing on rough construction and finish work. Gain hands-on experience installing insulation, windows, doors, siding, drywall, interior trim, and cabinets. Learn stair layout and construction while understanding how HVAC, electrical, and plumbing systems fit into a project. Perfect for students ready to master more advanced construction techniques!
Course #: 07094021
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Design Fundamentals
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: The purpose of this course is to learn the various hand-building techniques of working with clay such as coil, slab, pinch and drape. An introduction to wheel-thrown pots and glaze application will be included.
Course #: 07104021
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Design Fundamentals (required( and Ceramics 1
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: The purpose of this course is to further explore the hand-building techniques learned in Ceramics 1. Additional techniques will be covered, such as wheel and hand-built forms, handles, glaze formulas, glaze mixing and application, kiln loading and firing. Advanced throwing techniques will also be introduced
Course #: 08103042
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Instructor Approval
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: Chamber Singers is an advanced, small, mixed ensemble for students who exceed prescribed skills in the curriculum. Participants study and perform literature in various musical styles and learn advanced vocal and choral techniques. Students are assessed on skills that are demonstrated both during and outside of the school day; evening and weekend activities are encouraged. This course may be taken for credit in multiple years.
Course #: 03113020
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course is designed to provide an introduction to the chemical and physical behavior of matter. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to show mastery of laboratory procedures and the use of laboratory apparatus. They will also demonstrate the ability to gather experimental data through observations, and perform a scientific analysis of results obtained from experimentation. Students will also show proficiency in writing and understanding formulas, equations, and associated stoichiometry. Other topics of study will include elements, compounds, states of matter, solutions, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, and the gas laws. Students must successfully complete Algebra 1 to have the requisite math skills for this course.
Course #: 03143004
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: Usually taken after a comprehensive initial study of chemistry, Chemistry Advanced Studies courses cover chemical properties and interactions in more detail. Advanced chemistry topics include organic chemistry, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, macromolecules, kinetic theory, and nuclear chemistry.
Course #: 03143002
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Chemistry courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Chemistry exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. In keeping with the general aim of IB Experimental Sciences courses, IB Chemistry promotes understanding of the facts, patterns, and principles underlying the field of chemistry; critical analysis, evaluation, prediction, and generation of scientific information and hypotheses; improved ability to communicate scientific ideas; and an awareness of the impact of chemistry and scientific advances in chemistry upon both society and issues of ethical, philosophical, and political importance. Course content varies, but includes the study of the materials of the environment, their properties, and their interaction. Laboratory experimentation is an essential part of these courses.
Course #: 03143022
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Chemistry courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Chemistry exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. In keeping with the general aim of IB Experimental Sciences courses, IB Chemistry promotes understanding of the facts, patterns, and principles underlying the field of chemistry; critical analysis, evaluation, prediction, and generation of scientific information and hypotheses; improved ability to communicate scientific ideas; and an awareness of the impact of chemistry and scientific advances in chemistry upon both society and issues of ethical, philosophical, and political importance. Course content varies, but includes the study of the materials of the environment, their properties, and their interaction. Laboratory experimentation is an essential part of these courses
Course #: 03143032
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Chemistry courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Chemistry exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. In keeping with the general aim of IB Experimental Sciences courses, IB Chemistry promotes understanding of the facts, patterns, and principles underlying the field of chemistry; critical analysis, evaluation, prediction, and generation of scientific information and hypotheses; improved ability to communicate scientific ideas; and an awareness of the impact of chemistry and scientific advances in chemistry upon both society and issues of ethical, philosophical, and political importance. Course content varies, but includes the study of the materials of the environment, their properties, and their interaction. Laboratory experimentation is an essential part of these courses.
Course #: 03133020
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Advanced Placement and Pre-AP courses are available for high school students. The exact courses scheduled at a building each school year depend on student interest and instructor availability. See the school counselor for additional information.
Description: The AP Chemistry course provides students with a college-level foundation to support future advanced course work in chemistry. Students cultivate their understanding of chemistry through inquiry-based investigations, as they explore topics such as: atomic structure, intermolecular forces and bonding, chemical reactions, kinetics, thermodynamics, and equilibrium. Created by the AP Chemistry Development Committee, the course curriculum is compatible with many Chemistry courses in colleges and universities
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 1.0
College Credit: Yes
College Credits Earned: 3
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Other Information: K-STEP Up program
Description: Students will identify children’s needs and interests, learn the criteria for choosing books for children, and demonstrate the means by which children and books can be brought together. Students will read, examine, and critique a variety of children’s literature selected by author, genre, and historical time period. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer Reading score 240+
Course #: 08103062
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Instructor Approval
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: Chorale is a large, advanced, choral ensemble for students who exceed prescribed skills in the curriculum. Students in this choir will study and perform literature in various musical styles and learn advanced vocal and choral techniques. Students are assessed on skills that are demonstrated both during and outside of the school day; evening activities are encouraged. This course may be taken for credit in multiple years.
Course #: 21140517
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre-Requisite: successful completion with a C or higher of at least 1.0 technical credits in the pathway
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: In this course, you'll explore how these professions shape the world around us by tackling real-wolrd challenges using design software and hands-on problem-solving. Learn about project planning, site development, building design, and structural analysis while creating and presenting your own innovative designs. This course is perfect for students interested in engineering, architecture, or sustainable design.
Course #: 011290512
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 9-12
Other Information: None
Description: This half credit semester-course focuses on four objectives: to familiarize students with film genres, terminology, and techniques; to analyze film through literary modes; to sharpen critical analysis of all aspects of film; and to instill an appreciation of film as a cultural medium and an art form, not just entertainment. Students will examine works presented in two different media to gain insight and understanding into the workings of those media, including their biases and their strengths.
Course #: 02111060
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: appropriate Accuplacer score, or Math ACT 21+ (SAT 520+), or high school GPA 3.5+ and a ‘C’ or better in Algebra 2 or beyond
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 5 hours
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC MATH-0105 - College Algebra, 5 credit hours KCKCC Description: College Algebra includes a brief review of Intermediate Algebra; analysis and graphing of functions, including constant, linear, absolute value, square root, polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions and non-functions; and solving equations and inequalities, including polynomial equations, exponential equations, logarithmic equations, and systems of linear equations and inequalities. Students will be expected to use appropriate technology as one tool to achieve competency in College Algebra. A graphing calculator is required for this course. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer score of 263+ on Math test (Rev. Feb 2020; https://www.kckcc.edu/files/docs/academics/catalog/2018-2019/course-descriptions.pdf)
Course #: 03113202
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: appropriate Accuplacer score or high school GPA 3.5+ and a ‘C’ or better in Algebra 2 or beyond or Math ACT 21+ (SAT 520+)
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 5 hours
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC CHEM-0111 - College Chemistry I and Lab, 5 credit hours KCKCC Description: Primarily for biological or physical science majors, College Chemistry I and Lab provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of chemistry. The laboratory supports the concepts through practical application and develops scientific techniques. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer score of 263+ on Math test. (Rev. Feb 2020; https://www.kckcc.edu/files/docs/academics/catalog/2018-2019/course-descriptions.pdf)
Course #: 02111060
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 & Trigonometry+
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: College Prep Algebra is available for students after completing either Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 & Trigonometry Honors. The purpose of this course is to prepare students to be successful in College Algebra. Instruction emphasizes a more in depth look at quadratic and polynomial equations with real and complex solutions, exponential and logarithmic equations and functions, and rational expressions. Other topics include transformations, sequences and series, conics, and trigonometry.
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 2.0 per semester
College Credit: Yes
Total College Credits in Program: 44
College Hours Earned starting in 11th grade: 44
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 0
College Hours Earned starting in 12th grade: 23
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 21
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: The Major Appliance Technology program prepares for the entry level positions working on major in-home appliance and commercial restaurant equipment repair. Enrollees get detailed instruction on refrigerators, ranges, dishwashers, washing machines, dryers, wall ovens, microwaves and kitchen ventilation.
Course #: 21120523
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Make a difference in your community with Community Connections! This course combines classroom learning with real-world experiences, allowing you to develop leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills. Work with local organizations, set personal goals, and explore careers in family and community services. Perfect for students passionate about helping others and building a brighter future.
Course #: 01095061
Credit Type: Speech Communications
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 9-12
Other Information: None
Description: This spring semester course is designed to help students prepare and perform in public speaking, acting, and/or debate competitions. Students will learn skills such as oral interpretation of literature, logic and reasoning, the organization of thought and supporting materials, and effective presentation of one's voice and body. The student is expected to participate in at least two of the above-mentioned areas in at least three Friday/Saturday interscholastic tournaments/competitions.
Course #: 01119001
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: None
Description: Composition and Research involves a refinement of composition skills with special focus on those skills necessary to conduct a successful research project or Senior Exhibition. Students should be scheduled in sections according to their selected graduation paths. Students will select and narrow a topic relating to their chosen graduation paths, create a working bibliography, evidence from a variety of sources, develop note cards, organize their note cards to create an outline, develop a thesis, write an effective introduction and conclusion, use appropriate (according to area of study) documentation in the MLA, APA, or other format, write an effective body, include a bibliography of works cited, and produce a quality final product. The course also introduces students to a variety of on-line services and databases to assist in research and writing. (Note: Students will be exposed to Chicago style citations, but MLA and APA citation style(s) are emphasized.)
Course #: 01109021
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: appropriate Accuplacer score or high school GPA 3.0+ and 'B' or better in most recent English or ACT Reading/English 18 (SAT 500)
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 3 hours
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: None
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC ENGL-0101 - Composition I, 3 credit hours KCKCC Description: Composition 101 is the first of two required composition courses. It is designed to help students achieve language proficiency and write paragraphs and essays which demonstrate unity, coherence, and levels of usage appropriate to the topic, purpose, and audience. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer Score of 255+ on Reading AND Writing or ACT English Score of 18+.
Course #: 01119011
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: successful completion of Composition I KCKCC
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 3 hours
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: None
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC ENGL-0102 - Composition II, 3 credit hours KCKCC Description: Composition 102 is the second of two required composition courses. A continuation ofENGL-0101, Composition I, this course emphasizes research, bibliographic, and writing skills. Students write a minimum of four (4) graded documented essays in MLA format. Pre-requisites: Completion of Composition I, Engl 0101 w/ grade C or higher. (Rev. Feb 2020; https://www.kckcc.edu/files/docs/academics/catalog/2018-2019/course-descriptions.pdf)
Course #: 21110315
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co-Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Unlock the power of coding in Computer Programming! This course introduces you to building computer programs using popular programming languages like Java, Python, or C++. You'll learn how to write, debug, and document code while exploring key concepts like program structure, data management, and system design. Through hands-on projects, you'll develop skills to create real-world applications, preparing you for a future in software development and technology innovation.
Course #: 10094011
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co-Requisite: successful completion with a C or higher of at least 1.0 technical credits in the pathway
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: This course introduces you to the fundamentals of protecting networks and data from threats. Learn about security practices, risk assessment, and the tools used to prevent cyberattacks. Explore topics like ethical security, encryption, and safe-guarding systems from malware and phishing.
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 2.0 per semester
College Credit: Yes
Total College Credits in Program: 43
College Hours Earned starting in 11th grade: 43
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 0
College Hours Earned starting in 12th grade: 21
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 22
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This course prepares students for careers as computer repair technicians who maintain, upgrade and install personal computers or other computerized equipment. Program completers are qualified to take the A+ Certification test to become a Certified PC Technician. (7:30-10:35 or 11:20-2:15)
Course #: 08095031
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre-Req: prior band experience or instructor approval
Co-Requisite: Marching Band
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Concert Band provides a continuation of the skills developed in 8th grade band by students in grades 9-12. Students enrolled in marching band during the fall semester may enroll in this class during the spring semester. Emphasis will be placed on instrumental technique and ensemble skills. Concert Band is a co-curricular course: students are assessed on skills that are demonstrated both during and outside of the school day; evening and weekend activities are encouraged. This course may be taken for credit in multiple years.
Course #: 08094012
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: previous string experience or instructor approval
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Concert Strings provides a continuation of the skills developed in 8th grade orchestra by students in grades 9-12. Concert Strings is a co-curricular course: students are assessed on skills that are demonstrated both during and outside of the school day; evening and weekend activities are encouraged. This course may be taken for credit in multiple years.
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 2.0 per semester
College Credit: Yes
Total College Credits in Program: 48
College Hours Earned starting in 11th grade: 41
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 7
College Hours Earned starting in 12th grade: 18
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 30
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: Plumbers, electricians, masons, and carpenters help fill the ranks of what is known as the building trades. This course prepares the student to enter one of these fields at the apprenticeship level. The major project for the course is the construction of a house from the foundation work to the finishing touches. Professional craftsmen often take part in the instruction and allow students to do supervised work. (7:30-10:35 or 11:20-2:15)
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 3.0 per semester
College Credit: Yes
Total College Credits in Program: 50
College Hours Earned starting in 11th grade: 50
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 0
College Hours Earned starting in 12th grade: 19
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 31
Grade Level: 12
Description: This program is rigidly developed and prepares students for the State Board of Cosmetology examination required before a graduate can become a licensed cosmetologist. Post-secondary students must be a high school graduate or have a GED. Students must purchase uniforms, textbook, and cosmetology kit and pay an apprentice license fee. A State Board fee is required upon completion of the program. (9:30-3:00)
Course #: 01113001
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 9-12
Other Information: None
Description: Creative Writing offers students the opportunity to develop and improve their technique and individual style in poetry, short story, drama, and other forms of prose. The emphasis of the course is on writing; however, students may study exemplary representations and authors to obtain a fuller appreciation of the form and craft. This course may cover several expressive forms, or concentrate exclusively on one particular form (such as poetry or playwriting). This semester-course focuses on the process and products of creative writing. In this class, students will examine models of writing, including exemplary representations and authors, and they will create their own original pieces in various genres, including poetry, short stories, essays, dramas and other modes. This course may cover several expressive forms, or concentrate exclusively on one particular form (such as poetry or playwriting).
Course #: 21120315
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: This course teaches you essential skills for careers in the restaurant industry, including food safety, menu management, culinary math, and professional cooking techniques. Learn to prepare and present a variety of dishes while exploring restaurant management and sustainable food practices. With hands-on experience, you'll build the skills needed to succeed in the fast-paced culinary world.
Course #: 21120317
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
Pre-Requisite: successful completion of Culinary 1 with a grade of C or higher
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: This advanced course expands on what you learned in Culinary 1, adding new topics like nutrition, food service management, and advanced cooking techniques. Explore front and back-of-house roles, customer service, inventory management, and cost control while perfecting your food preparation and presentation skills. Get ready for hands-on experiences that prepare you for careers in the culinary and hospitality industries!
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 2.0 per semester
College Credit: Yes
Total College Credits in Program: 40
College Hours Earned starting in 11th grade: 40
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 0
College Hours Earned starting in 12th grade: 20
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 20
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This program teaches students to master the fundamental skills of food service in preparation for positions in hotels, restaurants, cafeterias, hospitals, nursing homes, catering, etc. The program contains daily classroom instruction with practical work experience in the operation of the school cafeteria and food service preparation for the child care center, public meetings, and banquets. (7:30-10:35 or 11:20-2:15)
Course #: 21120313
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Get started in the culinary world with Culinary Essentials! This course introduces you to the basics of food preparation, safety, and sanitation, along with the proper use of tools and equipment. Learn essential cooking techniques, recipe conversions, and plating skills while exploring career pathways in the food service industry. Whether you're aiming for a culinary career or just want to sharpen your cooking skills, this hands-on course sets the foundation for success!
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 2.0 per semester
College Credit: Yes
Total College Credits in Program: 28
College Hours Earned starting in 11th grade: 28
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 0
College Hours Earned starting in 12th grade: 28
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: The Associate in Science in Cybersecurity prepares students with the entry-level knowledge needed to protect cyberspace against physical and cyber threats. This degree is designed to enable students to easily transfer to a college or university offering a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity.
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 1.0
College Credit: Yes
College Credits Earned: 3
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Other Information: Tech Impact program
Description: Database Management explores a "user" directed computer language. The software is used to perform tasks that once required hours of coding and logic development. Topics and projects include planning, building, modifying, maintaining, and using a database, sorting and indexing a file. Keyboarding skills are beneficial. (KCKCC Course CIST-0236).
Course #: 01095011
Credit Type: Speech Communications
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 9-12
Other Information: None
Description: This fall semester course is designed to support students to prepare and perform in debate competitions. This course offers students the opportunity to learn how to use oral skills in formal and informal situations. Students will be able to develop such skills as logic and reasoning, research and analysis, organization of thought and supporting materials, argumentative style and skill, and effective presentation of one's voice and body. This course introduces students to the methods, aims, and styles used in various kinds of debates. Students are expected to participate in at least four interscholastic tournaments. Tournaments take place outside of the regular school day and may include weekends.
Course #: 07091001
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Other Information: To take advanced courses, the student must successfully complete this course.
Description: Design Fundamentals focuses on the basic elements and principles of design. The purpose of this course is to establish a firm background in the basics of good design. Students must demonstrate progress in visual communications. Emphasis will be placed on learning to use media more competently and the ability to move beyond the simple design concepts. In order to take advanced courses, the student must successfully complete this course.
Course #: 21520353
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Explore the dynamic world of online business with Digital Marketing! This course covers essential skills like creating digital marketing plans, managing online campaigns, and analyzing the impact of social media, email, and e-commerce platforms. Learn about branding, consumer psychology, and how to use analytics to track marketing success. Perfect for students interested in using technology to connect with audiences and build successful brands in the digital age!
Course #: 21140365
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co-Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Step into the world of design with Drafting/Architecture 1! This course introduces you to architectural drafting techniques, focusing on creating floor plans, electrical and plumbing layouts, and foundation designs for residential and light commercial structures. Learn about site orientation, historical architectural styles, and 3D modeling while developing essential skills to bring your designs to life. Perfect for students interested in architecture, engineering, or construction design!
Course #: 21140567
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
Pre-Requisite: successful completion of Drafting/Architecture 1 with a grade of C or higher
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Take your design skills to the next level in Drafting/Architecture 2. This advanced course focuses on architectural trends, green building techniques, and cutting-edge technologies in HVAC, electrical, and plumbing systems. You'll work on designing functional and sustainable spaces, creating construction documents, and developing commercial landscape designs. Collaborate with peers, apply industry standards, and present your designs to prepare for a career in architecture or construction design!
Course #: 07091011
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Design Fundamentals
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: This course will provide the necessary discipline for acquainting students with the basic skills and techniques of drawing. The major emphasis of the course will be increasing visual perception. A wide range of drawing media will become part of the learning-to-see program. Students will be introduced to a wide range of techniques and media. Emphasis will be placed on learning to use media more competently and moving beyond the simple concepts into more advanced work area.
Course #: 07101011
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Design Fundamentals (required) and Drawing 1
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course will stress experimentation, research, and physical application of knowledge. There will be research into drawing methods and materials used by past artists as well as exploration of new approaches to drawing.
Course #: 03115002
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course offers insight into the environment on earth and the earth’s environment in space. While presenting the concepts and principles essential to students’ understanding of the dynamics and history of the earth, these courses usually explore oceanography, geology, astronomy, meteorology, and geography.
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 1.0
College Credit: Yes
College Credits Earned: 3
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Other Information: K-STEP Up program
Description: This class encourages an approach to teaching and learning that is based on cultural pluralism and an interdependent world. It promotes the concept of equal access and educational excellence among all children and youth. Students are introduced to the integration of multicultural perspectives into traditional curriculum and methods of instruction. The content of this class focuses on the social constructions of class, ethnicity, gender, and culture. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer Reading score of 240+
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 2.0 per semester
College Credit: Yes
Total College Credits in Program: 44
College Hours Earned starting in 11th grade: 37
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 7
College Hours Earned starting in 12th grade: 19
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 25
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: The Electrical Technology program develops basic electrical skills, technical knowledge and related occupational information to prepare for initial employment in the electrical trade. Students will begin with basic fundamentals of electricity and progress through all types of residential, commercial and industrial wiring.
Course #: 21140325
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Discover the foundations of electricity and electronics! This course introduces you to key concepts like Ohm's Law, circuit design, and the differences between direct and alternating currents. Learn to work with tools like DMM meters and oscilloscopes while constructing and troubleshooting circuits. Explore topics such as motor theory, transformers, and magnetic properties as you gain hands-on experience to prepare for careers in energy or electronics industries.
Course #: 21140531
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
Pre-Requisite: successful completion of Electricity and Electronics 1 with a grade of C or higher
Co-Requisite: HVAC Technology
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Build on your knowledge of electricity and electronics by troubleshooting complex circuits, working with motors and transformers, and exploring advanced components like digital electronics. This hands-on course sharpens your skills in diagnosing and maintaining systems, preparing you for careers in energy and electronics!
Course #: 21140323
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Discover how energy powers our world with Energy Industry Fundamentals! This course explores the generation, transmission, and use of energy, the evolution of the energy industry, and the importance of a reliable and sustainable power grid. Learn about smart grids, energy policies, and the role of energy in communities and businesses. Gain insights into careers in the energy industry while working toward a nationally recognized credential. Perfect for students passionate about energy and innovation!
Course #: 21140327
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Explore the world of energy in Energy, Power, and Society! This course dives into renewable and nonrenewable energy sources, how power is generated and used, and the impacts on our economy, environment, and society. Learn about innovative energy solutions, transportation systems, and ways to address energy challenges. Through hands-on projects and analysis, discover how energy shapes our world and your role in its future!
Course #: 21140313
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Explore the creative and technical side of design in Engineering Design! This course guides you through the engineering design process, from sketching and drafting to creating 2D and 3D models using advanced CAD software. Learn about the history of engineering, solve real-world problems, and develop assembly designs while building teamwork and presentation skills. Perfect for students ready to bring innovative ideas to life!
Course #: 21140519
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre-Requisite: successful completion with a C or higher of at least 1.0 technical credits in the pathway
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Turn your ideas into reality! This capstone course challenges you to identify real-world problems, research solutions, and create innovative designs. Develop technical drawings, build prototypes, and test your creations to refine your ideas. Collaborate with peers, apply STEM principles, and present your final project to a panel of experts. Perfect for students ready to explore engineering and innovation at a deeper level!
Course #: 21140111
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Discover the exciting world of engineering! Learn about design, robotics, automation, flight, electricity, and manufacturing through hands-on projects and computer-aided design (CAD). Explore various engineering disciplines, develop problem-solving skills, and work on team-based challenges. Perfect for students ready to innovate and explore careers in engineering.
Course #: 01091020
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 9-12
Other Information: None
Description: English 1 is a standards-based course focusing on thematic units of study appropriate to grade level 9. The curriculum comprises a variety of literary and informational text, writing for various purposes, speaking and listening, and language skills (e.g., grammar, vocabulary). Students analyze texts for key ideas and details, evaluating the author’s craft and textual structures in order to integrate ideas and details into well-written texts of their own. Students take part in collaborative discussions to develop textual, visual, digital, and media literacies.
Course #: 15091020
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09
Description: English 1 ELD is a standards-based course focusing on thematic units of study appropriate to grade level 9 and designed for multilinguals still developing their English language proficiency. The curriculum comprises a variety of literary and information text, writing for various purposes, speaking and listening, and language skills (e.g., grammar, vocabulary). Students analyze texts for key ideas and details, evaluate the author’s craft and textual structures in order to integrate ideas and details into well-written texts of their own. Students take part in collaborative discussions to develop textual, visual, digital, and media literacies. This course must be taught by an ESOL endorsed teacher in order to provide appropriate scaffolds for the language development while meeting grade-level standards
Course #: 01091042
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 9-12
Other Information: None
Description: English 1 Honors is a standards-based course focusing on thematic units of study as in English 1. The curriculum comprises a variety of literary and informational text, writing for various purposes, speaking and listening, and language skills (e.g., grammar, vocabulary). Students analyze texts for key ideas and details, evaluating the author’s craft and textual structures in order to integrate ideas and details into well written texts of their own. Students take part in collaborative discussions to develop textual, visual, digital, and media literacies. Students should expect varying reading and writing tasks than those assigned in English 1. This course requires more in-depth study of the curriculum. Students should carefully consider the extra time needed for this challenging course.
Course #: 01091055
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 9-12
Other Information: Advanced Placement and Pre-AP courses are available for high school students. The exact courses scheduled at a building each school year depend on student interest and instructor availability. See the school counselor for additional information.
Description: English 1 is a standards-based course focusing on thematic units of study appropriate to grade level 9. The curriculum comprises a variety of literary and informational text, writing for various purposes, speaking and listening, and language skills (e.g., grammar, vocabulary). Students analyze texts for key ideas and details, evaluating the author’s craft and textual structures in order to integrate ideas and details into well-written texts of their own. Students take part in collaborative discussions to develop textual, visual, digital, and media literacies.
Course #: 01101020
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: English 1 or English 1 Honors
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Other Information: None
Description: English 2 is a standards-based course focusing on thematic units of study appropriate to grade level 10. The curriculum comprises a variety of literary and informational text, writing for various purposes, speaking and listening, and language skills (e.g., grammar, vocabulary). Students analyze texts for key ideas and details, evaluating the author’s craft and textual structures in order to integrate ideas and details into well-written texts of their own. Students take part in collaborative discussions to develop textual, visual, digital, and media literacies.
Course #: 15101020
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10
Description: English 2 ELD is a standards-based course focusing on thematic units of study appropriate to grade level 10 and designed for multilinguals still developing their English language proficiency. The curriculum comprises a variety of literary and information text, writing for various purposes, speaking and listening, and language skills (e.g., grammar, vocabulary). Students analyze texts for key ideas and details, evaluate the author’s craft and textual structures in order to integrate ideas and details into well-written texts of their own. Students take part in collaborative discussions to develop textual, visual, digital, and media literacies. This course must be taught by an ESOL endorsed teacher in order to provide appropriate scaffolds for the language development while meeting grade-level standards.
Course #: 01101042
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: English 1 or English 1 Honors
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Other Information: None
Description: English 2 Honors is a standards-based course focusing on thematic units of study as in English 2. The curriculum comprises a variety of literary and informational text, writing for various purposes, speaking and listening, and language skills (e.g., grammar, vocabulary). Students analyze texts for key ideas and details, evaluating the author’s craft and textual structures in order to integrate ideas and details into well written texts of their own. Students take part in collaborative discussions to develop textual, visual, digital, and media literacies. Students should expect varying reading and writing tasks than those assigned in English 2. This course requires more in-depth study of the curriculum. Students should carefully consider the extra time needed for this challenging course.
Course #: 01101055
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Other Information: Advanced Placement and Pre-AP courses are available for high school students. The exact courses scheduled at a building each school year depend on student interest and instructor availability. See the school counselor for additional information.
Description: English 2 is a standards-based course focusing on thematic units of study appropriate to grade level 10. The curriculum comprises a variety of literary and informational text, writing for various purposes, speaking and listening, and language skills (e.g., grammar, vocabulary). Students analyze texts for key ideas and details, evaluating the author’s craft and textual structures in order to integrate ideas and details into well-written texts of their own. Students take part in collaborative discussions to develop textual, visual, digital, and media literacies.
Course #: 01111020
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: English 2 or English 2 Honors
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: None
Description: English 3 is a standards-based course focusing on thematic units of study appropriate to grade level 11. The curriculum comprises a variety of literary and informational text, writing for various purposes, speaking and listening, and language skills (e.g., grammar, vocabulary). Students analyze texts for key ideas and details, evaluating the author’s craft and textual structures in order to integrate ideas and details into well-written texts of their own. Students take part in collaborative discussions to develop textual, visual, digital, and media literacies.
Course #: 15111020
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11
Description: English 3 ELD is a standards-based course focusing on thematic units of study appropriate to grade level 11 and designed for multilinguals still developing their English language proficiency. The curriculum comprises a variety of literary and information text, writing for various purposes, speaking and listening, and language skills (e.g., grammar, vocabulary). Students analyze texts for key ideas and details, evaluate the author’s craft and textual structures in order to integrate ideas and details into well-written texts of their own. Students take part in collaborative discussions to develop textual, visual, digital, and media literacies. This course must be taught by an ESOL endorsed teacher in order to provide appropriate scaffolds for the language development while meeting grade-level standards.
Course #: 01141002
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Language A (English) courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Language A exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. Course content includes in-depth study of literature chosen from the appropriate IB list of texts and authors and written analyses of this literature in addition to other oral and written assignments. All course content is designed to improve students accuracy and fluency in the English language.
Course #: 01121020
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: English 3, Composition 1 KCKCC, or Intro to Literature KCKCC
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: None
Description: English 4 is a standards-based course, focusing on thematic units of study appropriate to grade level 12. The curriculum comprises a variety of literary and informational text, writing for various purposes, speaking and listening, and language skills (e.g., grammar, vocabulary). Students analyze texts for key ideas and details, evaluating the author’s craft and textual structures in order to integrate ideas and details into well-written texts of their own. Students take part in collaborative discussions to develop textual, visual, digital, and media literacies.
Course #: 15121020
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 12
Description: English 4 ELD is a standards-based course focusing on thematic units of study appropriate to grade level 12 and designed for multilinguals still developing their English language proficiency. The curriculum comprises a variety of literary and information text, writing for various purposes, speaking and listening, and language skills (e.g., grammar, vocabulary). Students analyze texts for key ideas and details, evaluate the author’s craft and textual structures in order to integrate ideas and details into well-written texts of their own. Students take part in collaborative discussions to develop textual, visual, digital, and media literacies. This course must be taught by an ESOL endorsed teacher in order to provide appropriate scaffolds for the language development while meeting grade-level standards
Course #: 01141012
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Language A (English) courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Language A exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. Course content includes in-depth study of literature chosen from the appropriate IB list of texts and authors and written analyses of this literature in addition to other oral and written assignments. All course content is designed to improve student’s accuracy and fluency in the English language.
Course #: 01111402
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Advanced Placement and Pre-AP courses are available for high school students. The exact courses scheduled at a building each school year depend on student interest and instructor availability. See the school counselor for additional information.
Description: The AP English Language and Composition course aligns to an introductory college-level rhetoric and writing curriculum, which requires students to develop evidence-based analytic and argumentative essays that proceed through several stages or drafts. Students evaluate, synthesize, and cite research to support their arguments. Throughout the course, students develop a personal style by making appropriate grammatical choices. Additionally, students read and analyze the rhetorical elements and their effects in non-fiction texts, including graphic images as forms of text, from many disciplines and historical periods.
Course #: 01141022
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: The language and literature course introduces the critical study and interpretation of written and spoken texts from a wide range of literary forms and non-literary text-types. The formal analysis of texts is supplemented by awareness that meaning is not fixed but can change in respect to contexts of production and consumption. This course is organized into three areas of exploration and several central concepts, and focuses on the study of both literary or non-literary texts. Together, the three areas of exploration of the course allow the student to explore the language in question through its cultural development and use, its media forms and functions, and its literature. Students develop skills of literary and textual analysis, and also the ability to present their ideas effectively. A key aim is the development of critical literacy.
Course #: 01141032
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: The language and literature course introduces the critical study and interpretation of written and spoken texts from a wide range of literary forms and non-literary text-types. The formal analysis of texts is supplemented by awareness that meaning is not fixed but can change in respect to contexts of production and consumption. This course is organized into three areas of exploration and several central concepts, and focuses on the study of both literary or non-literary texts. Together, the three areas of exploration of the course allow the student to explore the language in question through its cultural development and use, its media forms and functions, and its literature. Students develop skills of literary and textual analysis, and also the ability to present their ideas effectively. A key aim is the development of critical literacy.
Course #: 15091050
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: This course is designed for students with limited to adequate formal education in L1, but beginning or early English language proficiency, to begin developing proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in English.
Course #: 01111406
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Advanced Placement and Pre-AP courses are available for high school students. The exact courses scheduled at a building each school year depend on student interest and instructor availability. See the school counselor for additional information.
Description: AP English Literature and Composition is an introductory college-level literary analysis course. Students cultivate their understanding of literature through reading and analyzing texts as they explore concepts like character, setting, structure, perspective, figurative language, and literary analysis in the context of literary works.
Course #: 21520315
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Turn your business ideas into reality! This course teaches you the skills needed to start and run your own business or bring an entrepreneurial mindset to any career. Explore topics like business planning, marketing, financial management, and ethical decision-making. Learning how to identify opportunities, evaluate risks, and develop a business plan. Perfect for future innovators and business leaders ready to make their mark!
Course #: 03093004
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course examines the mutual relationships between organisms and their environment. In studying the interrelationships among plants, animals, and humans, these courses usually cover the following subjects: photosynthesis, recycling and regeneration, ecosystems, population and growth studies, pollution, and conservation of natural resources.
Course #: 03093054
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Other Information: Advanced Placement and Pre-AP courses are available for high school students. The exact courses scheduled at a building each school year depend on student interest and instructor availability. See the school counselor for additional information.
Description: AP Environmental Science courses are designed by the College Board to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, identify and analyze environmental problems (both natural and human made), evaluate the relative risks associated with the problems, and examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. Topics covered include science as a process, ecological processes and energy conversions, earth as an interconnected system, the impact of humans on natural systems, cultural and societal contexts of environmental problems, and the development of practices that will ensure sustainable systems.
Course #: 03141104
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: This is the first year of a 2-year course. Environmental systems and societies (ESS) is an interdisciplinary course offered only at standard level (SL). This course can fulfill either the individuals and societies or the sciences requirement. Alternatively, this course enables students to satisfy the requirements of both subject groups simultaneously while studying one course. ESS is firmly grounded in both a scientific exploration of environmental systems in their structure and function, and in the exploration of cultural, economic, ethical, political, and social interactions of societies with the environment.
Course #: 03141204
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: This is the second year of a 2-year course. Environmental systems and societies (ESS) is an interdisciplinary course offered only at standard level (SL). This course can fulfill either the individuals and societies or the sciences requirement. Alternatively, this course enables students to satisfy the requirements of both subject groups simultaneously while studying one course. ESS is firmly grounded in both a scientific exploration of environmental systems in their structure and function, and in the exploration of cultural, economic, ethical, political and social interactions of societies with the environment.
Course #: 21120314
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Do you love organizing events and making them unforgettable? From budgeting and marketing to teamwork and problem-solving, you'll get hands-on experience by planning real school and community events. Perfect for aspiring chefs, wedding planners, hotel managers, or anyone who loves making things happen!
Course #: 04113004
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Science of Flight AS2
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Washington HS ONLY
Description: The Exploration of Space is taken the third year of ROTC. The course examines Earth, the moon and the planets as well as the latest advances in space technology and the continuing challenges of space and manned spaceflight. Issues that are critical to travel in the upper atmosphere, such as orbits and trajectories, unmanned satellites, space probes, guidance and control systems are explained. The manned spaceflight section covers major milestones in the endeavor to land on the moon and to safely orbit humans and crafts in space for temporary and prolonged periods. The development of space stations, the Space Shuttle and its future, and international laws for the use of and travel in space.
Course #: 02111040
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 & Trigonometry+
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: Financial Algebra is available for students after completing two credits of mathematics. The course is designed to develop a strong foundation in logical thinking and problem solving that will enable students to make informed decisions regarding matters of money and finance in their daily lives. This course furthers the development of various functions, representations of data, principles of business and personal finance and basics economics.
Course #: 12106021
Credit Type: Career and Techincal Education
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Financial Literacy provides students with an understanding of the concepts and principles involved in making and applying sound financial decisions. This course emphasizes earning income, spending, saving, investing, managing credit and managing risk.
Course #: 06106011
Credit Type: Physical Education
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Other Information:
Description: This course is designed for any student that is interested in lifetime fitness. It provides opportunities for students to participate in activities to achieve optimal physical condition. Activities will vary and may include aerobic exercise, running, stretching, plyometrics, step aerobics, and anaerobic exercise.
Course #: 06116021
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Fitness/Conditioning 1
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course is designed to continue to provide opportunities for students to participate in activities to achieve optimal physical condition. Activities will vary and may include aerobic exercise, running, stretching, plyometrics, step aerobics, and anaerobic exercise. Personalized fitness plans will be utilized.
Course #: 06126021
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Fitness/Conditioning 2
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course is designed to continue developing opportunities for students to participate in activities to achieve optimal physical condition. Activities will vary and may include aerobic exercise, running, stretching, plyometrics, step aerobics, and anaerobic exercise. Personalized fitness plans will be used. An off-site practicum could be utilized in this class.
Course #: 08096021
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Flags is a class for students who wish to be involved in the marching band color guard for the school. Students enrolled in this class will learn and execute intricate synchronized drills to be performed with and without the marching band, with attention to precise choreographed physical movement that involves the manipulation of various flags and props. This is a co-curricular course: students will be assessed on skills demonstrated both during and outside of the school day; evening and weekend activities are encouraged. This course may be taken for credit in multiple years.
Course #: 21430521
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre-Requisite: successful completion of Forensic Science 1 with a grade of C or higher
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: This advanced course dives deeper into crime scene analysis, interrogation techniques, and forensic lab methods. Explore arson investigation, criminal profiling, autopsy procedures, and cybercrime while studying the forensic implications of body systems and trauma. Through hands-on activities and case studies, you'll refine your investigative skills and prepare for careers in forensic science, law enforcement, or criminal justice!
Course #: 21430317
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Step into the fascinating world of forensic science! This course introduces you to crime scene investigation, evidence collection, and analysis techniques. Explore topics like fingerprinting, DNA analysis, toxicology, and bloodstain patterns while learning to determine time of death and analyze human remains. Gain hands-on experience with tools and methods used by forensic professionals, preparing you for careers in law enforcement, forensic anthropology, and related fields!
Course #: 05092020
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: This course is designed for students with little or not experience learning French. Students study basic language structures and vocabulary in context. Students will be able to use individual words and short phrases to speak and write in French and answer basic comprehension questions about information they read and hear. Students will also learn about Francophone culture including practices, products, and perspectives associated with the topics of the course
Course #: 05102020
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: French 1
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: This course is a continuation of French 1. Students will learn to speak and write using a variety of vocabulary, connecting words, and use simple paragraphs. Students will read for main ideas and details, study grammar and vocabulary in context, and continue to learn about Francophone culture including practices, products and perspectives associated with the topics of the course.
Course #: 05112020
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: French 2
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course is a continuation of French 2. Students will be gradually exposed to complex concepts, engage in spontaneous verbal and written communication, and analyze authentic French text and audio passages. Students continue to learn language structures and vocabulary in context and continue to learn about Francophone culture
Course #: 05140214
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: French 3
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Language B French courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Language B exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. These courses focus on improving students accuracy and fluency in oral and written communication (usually in the students second language). Students preparing to take the Subsidiary level exam will be able to understand native speakers; students preparing for the Higher level exam will be able to communicate fluently at native speed.
Course #: 05142012
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: French 3
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Language B French courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Language B exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. These courses focus on improving student’s accuracy and fluency in oral and written communication (usually in the students second language). Students preparing to take the Subsidiary level exam will be able to understand native speakers; students preparing for the Higher level exam will be able to communicate fluently at native speed.
Course #: 05142032
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: French 4
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Language B French courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Language B exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. These courses focus on improving student’s accuracy and fluency in oral and written communication (usually in the students second language). Students preparing to take the Subsidiary level exam will be able to understand native speakers; students preparing for the Higher level exam will be able to communicate fluently at native speed.
Course #: 05142022
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: French 4
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: No
Grade Level: 12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Language B French courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Language B exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. These courses focus on improving student’s accuracy and fluency in oral and written communication (usually in the students second language). Students preparing to take the Subsidiary level exam will be able to understand native speakers; students preparing for the Higher level exam will be able to communicate fluently at native speed.
Course #: 05122010
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: appropriate Accuplacer score or high school GPA 2.5+ and a ‘C’ in most recent English
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 5 hours
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC LANG-0101 - French I, 5 credit hours KCKCC Description: Students acquire basic skills at a reasonable level of proficiency. The course is integrated with cultural aspects which form the basis of objectives for all language study. Primary emphasis is on the four essential skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing within which the components of grammar and culture are included. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer Score of 240 on Reading test. (Rev. Feb 2020; https://www.kckcc.edu/files/docs/academics/catalog/2018-2019/course-descriptions.pdf
Course #: 05122011
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: French 1 KCKCC
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 5 hours
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC LANG-0102 - French II, 5 credit hours KCKCC Description: Students acquire basic skills at a reasonable level of proficiency. The course is integrated with cultural aspects which form the basis of objectives for all language study. Primary emphasis is on the four essential skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Pre-requisites: French I, LANG-0101 (Rev. Feb 2020; https://www.kckcc.edu/files/docs/academics/catalog/2018-2019/course-descriptions.pdf)
Course #: 06091050
Credit Type: Physical Education
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: This foundational course will introduce students to our physical education program–a fantastic option for students who want to sample every PE class. Students will have the opportunity to explore lifetime activities, team/individual sports, and fitness/conditioning. Upon completion, students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to enjoy lifelong physical activity and fitness.
Course #: 02101940
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Algebra 1 or Algebra 1+
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Geometry offers a formalized and extended exploration of geometric and algebraic principles. The course emphasizes deepening geometric relationships through logical arguments, fostering a robust understanding of similarity, constructing evidence-based arguments using properties and theorems, and exploring the connection between the coordinate system and previously learned topics. Students apply these geometric concepts to model real-world situations, reinforcing the practical applications of geometry in various contexts.
Course #: 02092026
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Algebra 1 or Algebra 1+
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Geometry+ is an advanced course that offers an in-depth exploration of essential Geometry concepts, providing a richer and more intellectually stimulating experience. While this course doesn't offer college credit, its primary objective is to prepare students for sustained academic excellence in mathematics. It sets a strong foundation for those who wish to pursue college-level mathematics courses later in high school.
Course #: 04123004
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Exploration of Space AS3
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 12
Other Information: Washington HS ONLY
Description: Global and Cultural Studies is a preferred AS component for second-year students and is a multidisciplinary course that introduces students to various regions of the world from a geographic, historical and cultural perspective. The course provides increased international awareness and insight into foreign affairs that permits a more educated understanding of other cultures and enhanced knowledge of America's interests and role in the world. Geopolitical issues such as terrorism, economics, politics, military issues, religion, environmental concerns, human rights, disease, over population, literacy, the migration of peoples and other cultural issues will be examined. The regional areas included in this course are Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, East Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The lessons include excellent videos to provide a window into life and issues within the regions, followed by a variety of hands-on activities created to engage the student. Readings are also available to set the stage for each lesson, along with workbook exercises suitable for in-class or homework assignments.
Course #: 04141102
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: This course is year one of a 2-year course. The 21st century is characterized by rapid change and increasing interconnectedness, impacting individuals and societies in unprecedented ways and creating complex global political challenges. Global politics is an exciting, dynamic subject that draws on a variety of disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, reflecting the complex nature of many contemporary political issues. The study of global politics enables students to critically engage with different and new perspectives and approaches to politics in order to comprehend the challenges of the changing world and become aware of their role in it as active global citizens. The DP global politics course explores fundamental political concepts such as power, equality, sustainability and peace in a range of contexts. It allows students to develop an understanding of the local, national, international and global dimensions of political activity and processes, as well as to explore political issues affecting their own lives. The course helps students to understand abstract political concepts by grounding them in real-world examples and case studies. It also invites comparison between such examples and case studies to ensure a wider and transnational perspective
Course #: 04141202
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: This course is the second year of a 2-year course. Global Politics I IBS course. The 21st century is characterized by rapid change and increasing interconnectedness, impacting individuals and societies in unprecedented ways and creating complex global political challenges. Global politics is an exciting, dynamic subject that draws on a variety of disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, reflecting the complex nature of many contemporary political issues. The study of global politics enables students to critically engage with different and new perspectives and approaches to politics in order to comprehend the challenges of the changing world and become aware of their role in it as active global citizens. The DP global politics course explores fundamental political concepts such as power, equality, sustainability and peace in a range of contexts. It allows students to develop an understanding of the local, national, international and global dimensions of political activity and processes, as well as to explore political issues affecting their own lives. The course helps students to understand abstract political concepts by grounding them in real-world examples and case studies. It also invites comparison between such examples and case studies to ensure a wider and transnational perspective.
Course #: 21430537
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre-Requisite: successful completion with a C or higher of at least 1.0 technical credits in the pathway
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Step into the world of government and public administration with Governance Applications! This course equips you with essential skills like leadership, teamwork, budgeting, and decision-making. Learn to develop proposals, make presentations, and manage projects while exploring career paths in public service. You will gain real-world experience to prepare for a future in government and public administration.
Course #: 21430333
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Discover how government works and how it impacts our daily lives! This class explores careers in government and public administration from planning and governance to foreign services and public policies. You'll learn about leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving while analyzing how the U.S. interacts with other nations and provides essential services to its citizens. If you're interested in making a difference in your community or beyond, this course is a great start!
Course #: 21110322
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Discover your creative potential! This course introduces you to the basics of graphic design, including design principles, composition techniques, and industry-standard software. Learn how to create and edit vector and raster graphics, explore the ethics of copyright, and develop a portfolio of your own projects. Perfect for students ready to dive into the world of visual communication and design!
Course #: 21110324
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Take your design skills further with Graphic Design 2! This course focuses on advanced techniques to create impactful designs for digital and print media. Learn to develop logos, branding campaigns, and animations while mastering industry-standard software and tools. Explore typography, color theory, and design principles to bring your creative ideas to life. Perfect for students ready to elevate their graphic design expertise and build a professional portfolio!
Course #: 06092025
Credit Type: Physical Education
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
This course curriculum includes content in the areas of nutrition, disease prevention, stress management, mental health, fitness, human sexuality, hands-only CPR, and substance abuse, use, and addiction.
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 2.0 per semester
College Credit: Yes
Total College Credits in Program: 8
College Hours Earned starting in 11th grade: 8
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 0
College Hours Earned starting in 12th grade: 8
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This program prepares students to become a state-certified CNA and provides direct patient care. Health Careers is a one semester course. Students may enroll in either first or second semester. Students must provide uniforms for clinical experience.
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 2.0 per semester
College Credit: Yes
Total College Credits in Program: 44
College Hours Earned starting in 11th grade: 35
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 9
College Hours Earned starting in 12th grade: 15
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 29
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This program provides instruction in installing and maintaining heating and cooling systems comprises the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) technician's world. Fundamentals are emphasized, along with specific studies in central and room systems. Silver soldering techniques and trouble-shooting procedures are practiced. The program is approved for EPA refrigerant certification. (7:30-10:35 or 11:20-2:15)
Course #: 04142052
Credit Type: Social Studies
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: American History 2 IBH is the second course of the IB history sequence and emphasizes a core of knowledge necessary to understand the events of the twentieth century. Three major topics are covered: causes, practices, and effects of war; rise of single-party states; and East/West relations after 1945.
Course #: 04142045
Credit Type: Social Studies
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: The Diploma Programme (DP history course is a world history course based on a comparative, multi-perspective approach to history and focused around key historical concepts such as change, causation and significance. It involves the study of a variety of types of history, including political, economic, social and cultural, encouraging students to think historically and to develop historical skills. In this way, the course involves a challenging and demanding critical exploration of the past.
Course #: 0412044
Credit Type: Social Studies
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: The Diploma Programme (DP history course is a world history course based on a comparative, multi-perspective approach to history and focused around key historical concepts such as change, causation and significance. It involves the study of a variety of types of history, including political, economic, social and cultural, encouraging students to think historically and to develop historical skills. In this way, the course involves a challenging and demanding critical exploration of the past.
Course #: 04142042
Credit Type: Social Studies
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: American History 1 IBH is the first course in a sequence and is a history of the Americas. Students will survey the development of life and government in the United States, interaction with hemispheric neighbors and international involvement in the twentieth century.
Course #: 03123010
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: appropriate Accuplacer score or high school GPA 2.5+ and a ‘C’ in most recent English
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 5 hours
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: In a systematic study of the gross anatomical organizations of the human body, students examine the interrelationships of the structure of the human body and the general structure and functions of tissues, organs, and organ systems by means of models, skeletons, charts, and audio-visual materials. Six hours lecture/integrated lab are required each week. This course is recommended for Life Science and Health Career majors only. (KCKCC Course BIOL - 0143)
Course #: 21120331
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
Co-Requisite: Human Growth and Development - Lifespan
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: This course examines the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development of children from birth through early childhood. Learn about developmental milestones, the impact of heredity and environment, and strategies for meeting children's needs. Gain insights into parenting, caregiving, and careers in child development while developing skills to support young learners' growth and success.
Course #: 21120333
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
Co-Requisite: Human Growth and Development - Early
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: This course covers physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development from childhood to old age. Learn how heredity, environment, life events, and cultural factors influence development at each stage. Gain valuable insights into the needs of individuals across the lifespan and prepare for careers in human services, healthcare, or education. Perfect for students interested in understanding human growth and making a difference in people's lives!
Course #: 04094011
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Human Rights Studies will provide an overview of the history, central concepts, and practices within the field. It will study the foundations of the idea of human rights in various civilizations and cultures, evaluate its legacy within the world and world cultures, and examine its meaning and relevance in dealing with major issues in the contemporary world. It will address the evolution of international human rights, the various violations of human rights that occur around the world and the instruments designed for the protection of human rights.
Course #: 21140529
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
Pre-Requisite: successful completion with a C or higher at least 1.0 technical credits in the pathway
Co-Requisite: Electricity and Electronics 2
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: This course teaches the fundamentals of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, including installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Learn about refrigeration principles, electrical circuits, and programmable thermostats while exploring green technology and future industry trends. Gain hands-on experience with tools, soldering, and system repairs to prepare for careers in the HVAC industry!
Course #: 04141104
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: This course is the first year of a two-year course. Information Technology in a Global Society explores the interactions between humans and their environment in time and place. As a result, these subjects are often known collectively as the human sciences or social sciences. The IB Diploma Program information technology in a global society (ITGS) course is the study and evaluation of the impacts of information technology (IT) on individuals and society. It explores the advantages and disadvantages of the access and use of digitized information at the local and global level. ITGS provides a framework for the student to make informed judgments and decisions about the use of IT within social contexts.
Course #: 04141204
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: This course is the second year of a two-year course. Information Technology in a Global Society explores the interactions between humans and their environment in time and place. As a result, these subjects are often known collectively as the human sciences or social sciences. The IB Diploma Program information technology in a global society (ITGS) course is the study and evaluation of the impacts of information technology (IT) on individuals and society. It explores the advantages and disadvantages of the access and use of digitized information at the local and global level. ITGS provides a framework for the student to make informed judgments and decisions about the use of IT within social contexts
Course #: 08109012
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Instructor Approval
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Instrumental Solo/Ensemble is for advanced students who exceed prescribed skills in the curriculum. Students will receive both individual and group instruction on a variety of technical studies, solo, and ensemble literature. Participation in concerts, festivals, and other performances may be encouraged. This course may be taken for credit in multiple years.
Course #: 211405151
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Explore your creativity in Interior Design 1! This course introduces you to design principles, furniture styles, color schemes, and materials used to create beautiful functional spaces. Learn how to design floor plans, select furnishings, and consider sustainability in your designs. With hands-on projects and visual presentations, you'll develop the skills to bring your ideas to life and prepare for careers in interior design or related fields.
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 1.0
College Credit: Yes
College Credits Earned: 2
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Other Information: Bio+ program
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC BIOL-0105 - Introduction to Biotechnology, 2 credit hours KCKCC Description: Introduction to Biotechnology is designed to give students an understanding of the foundational scientific principles and applications of the biotechnology. Students will focus on pharmaceutical, agricultural, medical, genomic and forensic applications of biotechnological methods and will deepen their understanding of biotechnology-related career fields in the process. Students will also explore the history of biotechnology, the regulatory methods used by industry, and the ethical issues raised by this application of science. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer Reading score 240+
Course #: 04114035
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: appropriate Accuplace score or high school GPA 2.5+ and ‘C’ in most recent English
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 3 hours
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC CRJS-0101 - Introduction to Criminal Justice, 3 credit hours KCKCC Description: This course provides an in-depth look at policy issues related to policing, courts, and corrections. It gives the student the opportunity to focus on difficult issues including the links between police, politics, law, corrections and the administration of Justice. This course will review changes in law and police practices, preparation for prosecution, the court system, and finally the link between prisons and probation. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer Reading score 240+. (Rev. Feb 2020; https://www.kckcc.edu/files/docs/academics/catalog/2018-2019/course-descriptions.pdf)
Course #: 21140121
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Explore the dynamic world of energy! Learn about different types of energy, how it's generated and distributed, and how humans have used energy over time. Dive into renewable and alternative energy sources, perform energy audits, and discover ways to optimize energy use in buildings. Gain valuable insights into data analysis and careers in the energy field, preparing you for an exciting future in this essential industry!
Course #: 15090102
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Other Information: Washington HS ONLY
Description: This course is designed for students with limited or no formal education in L1 and beginning development in English language proficiency to develop basic literacy skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking English. Students enrolled in Intro to English Language HS must concurrently be enrolled in Language Support HS. Enrollment in the course is by ESOL Department approval ONLY.
Course #: 31430131
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Discover what it takes to serve the public in Introduction to Government and Public Administration! This course introduces you to careers in public service helping you identify personal strengths, set career goals, and develop leadership and teamwork skills. Learn about problem-solving, ethical decision-making, and the roles of leaders in various organizations. Explore opportunities for involvement in leadership activities at school and beyond while preparing for a future in government or public administration!
Course #: 21260121
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: This course explores the basics of health and wellness professions, including personal health, nutrition, disease prevention, and fitness. Learn about the history of medicine, healthcare delivery systems, medical ethics, and legal responsibilities. Discover a variety of careers in the health sciences and gain the skills to make informed decisions about your future in this vital industry!
Course #: 21430113
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: This class introduces you to careers in public safety and the skills needed to succeed in these fields. You'll learn about the legal system, how first responders handle emergencies, and what it takes to protect communities. If your interested in helping others and making a difference, this course is the perfect place to start!
Course #: 01102033
Credit Type: English
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: appropriate Accuplacer score or high school GPA 3.0+ and 'B' or better in most recent English or ACT Reading/English 18 (SAT 500)
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 3 hours
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: None
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC ENGL-0104 - Introduction to Literature, 3 credit hours KCKCC Description: Introduction to Literature explores the literary elements of the short story, poem, novel, play, and essay. As students read and discuss representative works by well-known authors, they will form baseline knowledge regarding a writer’s style and the distinctive features of different genres. Moreover, students will come to understand their own literary preferences while developing an appreciation for quality literature. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer Score of 255+ on Reading AND Writing or ACT English Score of 18+. (Rev. Feb 2020; https://www.kckcc.edu/files/docs/academics/catalog/2018-2019/course-descriptions.pdf)
Course #: 221140151
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: This course focuses on foundational skills essential for construction careers, including proper use of hand and power tools, safety protocols, and blueprint reading. Learn how to handle materials safely, interpret construction plans, and develop critical teamwork and communication skills. With a strong emphasis on industry standards, this course sets the stage for success in construction and related fields!
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 1.0
College Credit: Yes
College Credits Earned: 3
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Other Information: K-STEP Up program
Description: The goal of the course is to increase awareness of self in relation to the roles of teachers and other K-12 teaching professionals. Career opportunities in education are considered, with an emphasis on what it means to be a professional teacher in today’s high stakes environment of education. This course provides a well-rounded view of the teaching profession. Field experience is an important component of the course. It consists of twelve practical observation hours at school elementary, middle and secondary levels. These practicum hours may also include interactions with practicing school professionals. Discussion in the course will attempt to connect the foundations of education to field experience. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer Reading score 240+
Course #: 09091120
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Intro to Theatre 1 provides students with an introductory experience to the world of theatre. This course serves as an overview of performance and principles of acting, playwriting, improvisation, theater organization, basic set construction and lighting, careers in the theater, directing, and management. Students will work individually and in groups to present in-class performances. This course may be taken for credit in multiple years. Attendance at evening or weekend events is encouraged.
Course #: 09101012
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Intro to Theatre 1
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Intro to Theatre 2 is an extension of Intro to Theatre 1. The course provides the opportunity for continued development of skills, focusing on physical and vocal expression for the actor, and work in characterization, script analysis, and acting styles. This course may be taken for credit in multiple years. Attendance at evening or weekend events is encouraged.
Course #: 21520535
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
Co Requisite: Banking & Finance
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Investing students learn about business and individual investment decisions by comparing and contrasting the investment qualities of cash, stock, bonds, and mutual funds. Students may also review annual reports, predicting growth rates, analyzing trends, and participating in stock market simulations.
Course #: 08097015
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Symphonic Band or Marching Band AND Instructor Approval
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Jazz Band is an advanced instrumental ensemble for students in grades 9-12 who exceed prescribed skills in the curriculum. Members will study various styles of jazz literature including jazz, swing, rock, and contemporary. Improvisation will be taught in various styles. Jazz Band is a co-curricular course: students are assessed on skills that are demonstrated both during and outside of the school day; evening and weekend activities are encouraged. Jazz Band members may be required to participate in marching band or orchestra. This course may be taken for credit in multiple years.
Course #: 07095011
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Design Fundamentals
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Jewelry courses apply art and design principles to the creation of jewelry. Typically, students explore using various media, such as ceramic, papier-mâché, glass, plastic, copper-enameled, brass, and silver. Course topics include exposure to jewelry of diverse world cultures and the history of jewelry design. Some Jewelry courses may concentrate on metalwork processes such as brazing, soldering, casting, welding, riveting, and finishing as they relate to the creation of jewelry.
Course #: 19091021
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Life Skills courses provide students with information about a wide range of subjects to assist them in becoming wise consumers and productive adults. These courses often emphasize such topics as goal-setting, decision-making, and setting priorities; money and time management; relationships; and the development of the self. Practical exercises regarding selecting and furnishing houses, meeting transportation needs, preparing food, selecting clothing, and building a wardrobe are often integral to these classes. In addition, specific topics such as insurance, taxation, and consumer protection may also be covered.
Course #: 15091030
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Other Information: Washington HS ONLY
Description: This course is designed for extended practice in reading, writing, listening and speaking English for students with limited or no formal education in L1 and beginning English language proficiency. Students enrolled in Language Support HS must concurrently be enrolled in Intro to English Language HS. Enrollment in the course is by ESOL Department approval ONLY.
Course #: 21430315
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Are you interested in a career in law enforcement or criminal justice? This class dives into the exciting worlds of criminal law, the court system, and law enforcement operations. Learn about how laws are made, the court process, and what it takes to work in probation, incarceration, or policing. You'll explore real-world scenarios, from understanding arrests to analyzing how the Constitution shapes our legal system. It's a great first step towards careers like police officer, lawyer, or corrections officer!
Course #: 21430525
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Take your interest in law enforcement to the next level! This advanced course dives into the structure of the judicial system, law enforcement operations, and the rights and protections guaranteed by the Constitution. You'll learn about criminal investigations, search and seizure procedures, and how law enforcement agencies work together to keep communities safe. If you're ready to explore real-world scenarios and prepare for a future in law enforcement, this is the class for you!
Course #: 04123008
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Ceremony Sequence
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 12
Other Information: Washington HS ONLY
Description: In Management of the Cadet Corps, the cadets should manage the entire corps during their fourth year in the Air Force Junior ROTC program. This hands-on experience affords cadets the opportunity to put theories of previous leadership courses into practice. Planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, controlling, and decision-making will be done by cadets. They will put into practice their communication, decision-making, personal-interaction, managerial, and organizational skills. Instructors should keep in mind that since there is no textbook for this course, the course syllabus will be structured so that cadets achieve course objectives by completing core management activities.
Course #: 21430519
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre-Requisite: successful completion with a C or higher of at least 1.0 technical credits in the pathway
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Explore the world of justice and law! This course introduces you to the courtroom process, including mediation, arbitration, and litigation in civil and criminal cases. Learn about the rule of law, restorative justice, and key roles in the legal system. Develop skills in communication, active listening, and case file management while gaining insights into potential legal careers. Perfect for students interested in law, government, or public service!
Course #: 06103011
Credit Type: Physical Education
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: This course is designed for the student who is interested in participating in individual, dual and/or recreational activities. Emphasis is on developing and practicing the knowledge and skills needed for a variety of activities including archery, golf, table tennis, badminton, bowling, Frisbee, racquetball, and other lifetime activities.
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 2.0 per semester
College Credit: Yes
Total College Credits in Program: 48
College Hours Earned starting in 11th grade: 40
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 8
College Hours Earned starting in 12th grade: 16
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 32
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: Industry provides many jobs for machinists who operate machine tools that grasp metal and form specific products through cutting, drilling, and grinding machines. The student is allowed to progress at his or her own pace while learning all the machinists' skills to select the proper tools and materials for each job, plan the project according to blueprints or written specifications, and then form the metal product while holding accuracies to thousandths of an inch. (7:30-10:35 or 11:20-2:15)
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 1.0
College Credit: Yes
College Credits Earned: 3
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Other Information: Bio+ program
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC BMFR-0145 - Manufacturing Technician Training, 3 credit hours KCKCC Description: The Manufacturing Technician Training course will provide students an understanding of industrial Lean manufacturing, Safety, and some of the physics of behind machines. These include levers, pulley systems, hydraulics, and electricity. Students will also learn to interpret two dimensional drawings into three dimensional structures. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer Reading score 240+.
Course #: 08095021
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre-Req: prior band experience or instructor approval
Co-Req: Concert or Symphonic Band
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Marching Band is the primary performing group for band students during the fall semester. Emphasis will be placed on music literacy and marching fundamentals. Marching Band is a co-curricular course: students are assessed on skills that are demonstrated both during and outside of the school day; evening and weekend activities are encouraged. At the conclusion of the marching season, students will enroll for a second-semester Concert or Symphonic Band at the discretion of the instructor. This course may be taken for credit in multiple years.
Course #: 21520555
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre-Requisite: successful completion with a C or higher of at least 1.0 technical credits in the pathway
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Take your marketing skills to the next level in Marketing Applications! This course dives into advanced strategies like creating marketing plans, managing promotions, and analyzing customer data. Learn how to develop products, understand consumer behavior, and use technology to make informed decisions. With hands-on projects and real-world problem-solving, you'll build expertise for success in the exiting world of marketing!
Course #: 02151104
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: Mathematical Analysis and Approaches I IBH is the first of a two-year math course offered by IB. This course covers three of the five major topics (Number and Algebra, Functions, and Geometry and Trigonometry) and includes an introductory mathematical exploration piece. This course is appropriate for students who enjoy developing their mathematics to become fluent in the construction of mathematical arguments and develop strong skills in mathematical thinking. They will also be fascinated by exploring real and abstract applications of these ideas, with and without the use of technology. Students who take Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches will be those who enjoy the thrill of mathematical problem solving and generalization. This subject is aimed at students who will go on to study subjects with substantial mathematics content such as medicine, engineering, physical sciences, mathematics, or economics.
Course #: 02141104
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: Mathematical Analysis and Approaches I IBS is the first of a two-year math course offered by IB. This course covers three of the five major topics (Number and Algebra, Functions, and Geometry and Trigonometry) and includes an introductory mathematical exploration piece. This course is appropriate for students who enjoy developing their mathematics to become fluent in the construction of mathematical arguments and develop strong skills in mathematical thinking. They will also be fascinated by exploring real and abstract applications of these ideas, with and without the use of technology. Students who take Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches will be those who enjoy the thrill of mathematical problem solving and generalization. This subject is aimed at students who will go on to study subjects with substantial mathematics content such as medicine, engineering, physical sciences, mathematics, or economics.
Course #: 02151204
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: Mathematical Analysis and Approaches II IBH is the second of a two-year math course offered by IB. This course covers the last two of the five major topics (Probability and Statistics, and Calculus) and includes a mathematical exploration project. This course is appropriate for students who enjoy developing their mathematics to become fluent in the construction of mathematical arguments and develop strong skills in mathematical thinking. They will also be fascinated by exploring real and abstract applications of these ideas, with and without the use of technology. Students who take Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches will be those who enjoy the thrill of mathematical problem solving and generalization. This subject is aimed at students who will go on to study subjects with substantial mathematics content such as medicine, engineering, physical sciences, mathematics, or economics.
Course #: 02141204
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: Mathematical Analysis and Approaches II IBS is the second of a two-year math course offered by IB. This course covers the last two of the five major topics (Probability and Statistics, and Calculus) and includes a mathematical exploration project. This course is appropriate for students who enjoy developing their mathematics to become fluent in the construction of mathematical arguments and develop strong skills in mathematical thinking. They will also be fascinated by exploring real and abstract applications of these ideas, with and without the use of technology. Students who take Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches will be those who enjoy the thrill of mathematical problem solving and generalization. This subject is aimed at students who will go on to study subjects with substantial mathematics content such as medicine, engineering, physical sciences, mathematics, or economics.
Course #: 02141202
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: Mathematical Analysis and Approaches II IBS is the second of a two-year math course offered by IB. This course covers the last two of the five major topics (Probability and Statistics, and Calculus) and includes a mathematical exploration project. This course is appropriate for students who enjoy developing their mathematics to become fluent in the construction of mathematical arguments and develop strong skills in mathematical thinking. They will also be fascinated by exploring real and abstract applications of these ideas, with and without the use of technology. Students who take Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches will be those who enjoy the thrill of mathematical problem solving and generalization. This subject is aimed at students who will go on to study subjects with substantial mathematics content such as medicine, engineering, physical sciences, mathematics, or economics.
Course #: 02151102
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: Mathematical Applications and Interpretation I IBH is the first of a two-year math course offered by IB. This course covers three of the five major topics (Number and Algebra, Functions, and Geometry and Trigonometry) and includes an introductory mathematical exploration piece. This course is appropriate for students who are interested in developing their mathematics for describing our world and solving practical problems. They will also be interested in harnessing the power of technology alongside exploring mathematical models. Students who take this course will be those who enjoy mathematics best when seen in a practical context. This course is aimed at students who will go on to study subject such as social sciences, natural sciences, statistics, business, some economics, psychology, and design, for example.
Course #: 02141102
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: Mathematical Applications and Interpretation I IBS is the first of a two-year math course offered by IB. This course covers three of the five major topics (Number and Algebra, Functions, and Geometry and Trigonometry) and includes an introductory mathematical exploration piece. This course is appropriate for students who are interested in developing their mathematics for describing our world and solving practical problems. They will also be interested in harnessing the power of technology alongside exploring mathematical models. Students who take this course will be those who enjoy mathematics best when seen in a practical context. This course is aimed at students who will go on to study subject such as social sciences, natural sciences, statistics, business, some economics, psychology, and design.
Course #: 02151202
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: Mathematical Applications and Interpretation II IBH is the second of a two-year math course offered by IB. This course covers the last two of the five major topics (Probability and Statistics, and Calculus) and includes a mathematical exploration project. This course is appropriate for students who are interested in developing their mathematics for describing our world and solving practical problems. They will also be interested in harnessing the power of technology alongside exploring mathematical models. Students who take this course will be those who enjoy mathematics best when seen in a practical context. This course is aimed at students who will go on to study subject such as social sciences, natural sciences, statistics, business, some economics, psychology, and design, for example.
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 2.0 per semester
College Credit: Yes
Total College Credits in Program: 38
College Hours Earned starting in 11th grade: 38
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 0
College Hours Earned starting in 12th grade: 34
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 4
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: The Medical Assistant program is designed to prepare students for entry-level positions in a medical facility. Clinical functions include taking vital signs and patient histories; assisting with exams, treatments, and office surgery; collecting specimens; sterilization procedures; basic first aid; and CPR. Administrative functions include scheduling and receiving patients; obtaining and maintaining patient data; completing insurance forms; arranging for hospital admission, billing, and collection; etc. Upon completion of the classroom portion of the program, students complete a 180 hour non-paid clinical experience (externship) in a medical office.
Course #: 21260311
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Master the language of healthcare! This course teaches you to break down medical terms by analyzing prefixes, root words, and suffixes. Develop your skills in spellings, pronunciation, and using medical terms accurately in both written and oral communication. Learn to interpret abbreviations, symbols, and documents used in healthcare settings, preparing you for success in health science careers!
Course #: 21260323
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Master the language of healthcare! This course teaches you to break down medical terms by analyzing prefixes, root words, and suffixes. Develop your skills in spelling, pronunciation, and using medical terms accurately in both written and oral communication. Learn to interpret abbreviations, symbols, and documents used in healthcare settings, preparing you for success in health science careers!
Course #: 04093004
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Other Information: Washington HS ONLY
Description: Journey into Aviation History: Aerospace Science 1 is recommended for all new ROTC cadets. It is an aviation history course focusing on the development of flight throughout the centuries. It starts with ancient civilizations, then progresses through time.
Course #: 04103006
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: Military Drill & Ceremony 1 provides fundamental and in-depth instruction in Air Force drill and ceremonies. The course concentrates on the elements of military drill and describes individual and group precision movements, procedures for saluting, drill, ceremonies, reviews, parades and development of command voice. Students are provided detailed instruction on ceremonial performances and protocol for civilian and military events and have the opportunity to personally learn Air Force drill concepts and procedures. Students will concentrate on perfecting unarmed drill and ceremony sequences. The course will introduce the student to armed and exhibition drill sequences which are performed using inert ceremonial replica rifles.
Course #: 04113006
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Military Drill & Ceremony 1
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: No
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: Military Drill & Ceremony 2 provides a more in-depth instruction in Air Force drill and ceremonies. The students will concentrate on elements of military drill and describes individual and group precision movements, procedures for saluting, drill ceremonies, reviews, parades and development of command voice, with an emphasis on leadership. Students are provided detailed instruction on ceremonial performances and protocol for civilian and military events and have the opportunity to personally learn Air Force drill concepts and procedures. The course will give the student a more focused and detailed training in armed exhibition drill sequences which are performed using inert ceremonial replica rifles. Students will concentrate on leading drill and ceremony sequences.
Course #: 04123006
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Military Drill & Ceremony 2
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 12
Description: Military Drill & Ceremony 3 provides a more in-depth instruction in Air Force drill and ceremonies. The students will concentrate on elements of military drill and describes individual and group precision movements, procedures for saluting, drill ceremonies, reviews, parades and development of command voice, with an emphasis on leadership. Students are provided detailed instruction on ceremonial performances and protocol for civilian and military events and have the opportunity to personally learn Air Force drill concepts and procedures. The course will give the student a more focused and detailed training in armed exhibition drill sequences which are performed using inert ceremonial replica rifles. Students will concentrate on leading drill and ceremony sequences.
Course #: 08093012
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Mixed Chorus is a training organization for mixed voices, designed to develop basic vocal technique, music literacy, and performance skills. Students are assessed on skills that are demonstrated both during and outside of the school day. Attendance is encouraged at both in and out-of-school rehearsals and performances. This course may be taken for credit in multiple years.
Course #: 06102001
Credit Type: Physical Education
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in the field of modern dance, enhancing students' appreciation for the fine arts. Students will gain both in technical skill and in creative communication through dance.
Course #: 06102011
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Modern Dance 1
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to continue developing knowledge and skills in the field of modern dance. Students will gain both in technical skill and in creative communication through dance. An off-site practicum could be utilized.
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 2.0 per semester
College Credit: Yes
Total College Credits in Program: 30
College Hours Earned starting in 11th grade: 30
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 0
College Hours Earned starting in 12th grade: 19
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 11
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: The Video and Multimedia Production program prepares students for careers in computer-based video production, traditional video production fields and Web Page creation. Students who have a flair or interest in graphic design, photography, illustration and internet production will learn to operate advanced equipment to create their own video production. (7:30-10:35 or 11:20-2:15)
Course #: 08098011
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Music Appreciation is a non-performance, semester-course open to all students in grades 9-12. Students will focus on listening skills and highlights and will learn basic elements of music and of music history. They will also be exposed to various types of musical styles including hip-hop, classical, jazz, and rock and roll.
Course #: 08148020
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 1.0
Pre-Requisite: Instructor Approval
Co-Requisite: Band/Choir/Orchestra
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Music courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Music exam at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. IB Music courses develop students’ knowledge and understanding of music through training in musical skills (listening, performing, and composing); exposure to music theory; and formulation of an historic and global awareness of musical forms and styles. Historical, theoretical, and practical studies are suggested by the IB Curriculum Board.
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 2.0 per semester
College Credit: Yes
Total College Credits in Program: 16
College Hours Earned starting in 11th grade: 16
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 0
College Hours Earned starting in 12th grade: 16
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This program is designed to prepare individuals to become licensed nail technologists providing manicures, pedicures, acrylic nail enhancements, nail wraps, gel nails, and nail art. The curriculum includes both theory and practical application by training through a student-operated salon. Upon completion of the program, students are eligible to take the state licensing examination. Reading score of 60 or higher on the Accuplacer required for admittance. (9:30-3:00)
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 2.0 per semester
College Credit: Yes
Total College Credits in Program: 18
College Hours Earned starting in 11th grade: 18
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 0
College Hours Earned starting in 12th grade: 18
College Credits Remaining after graduation: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: The Office Assistant program is designed to prepare students for the basic and routine jobs that are part of the office worker's world of work. Office workers support the many other functions that operate within a business. (7:30-10:35 or 11:20-2:15)
Course #: 07102011
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Design Fundamentals (required) and Drawing 1
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: Painting 1 will involve learning many of the various skills, techniques, styles and media of painting and drawing. A wide variety of techniques will be included, such as impasto, hard edge, underglazing, etc. Media will cover acrylic, watercolor, pencil, pastels, colored inks, etc.
Course #: 07102021
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Design Fundamentals (required) and Drawing 1, Painting 1 (in that order)
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: Painting 2 will allow students to pursue interests in the advanced study of drawing and painting. Along with the media used in the previous class, oil painting will be added to the list of techniques and materials.
Course #: 08095051
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Co Requisite: Band
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Percussion is for students who play a percussion instrument. Enrollment in Marching Band may be required. Emphasis will be placed on percussion fundamentals. Mallet instruments, keyboard techniques, and note and rhythm reading will be stressed. Although some school owned instruments are available for use for a yearly fee, students are encouraged to acquire their own instruments.
Course #: 01147022
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: Personal and Professional Skills is designed for students to develop attitudes, skills and strategies to be applied to personal and professional situations and contexts now and in the future. In this course, the emphasis is on skill development for the workplace, as these skills are transferable and can be applied in a range of situations. (IBO.org) Themes such as the thinking processes, intercultural understanding, effective communication, personal development, and applied ethics will be covered in this 3-semester course. The following 3 aspects of the CORE are monitored during the PPS class and are part of the completion requirements for the CP program. A separate "research project" half credit is earned first semester of senior year for the successful Reflective Project completion.
Course #: 01147024
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: PPS is designed for students to develop attitudes, skills and strategies to be applied to personal and professional situations and contexts now and in the future. In this course, the emphasis is on skill development for the workplace, as these skills are transferable and can be applied in a range of situations. (IBO.org) Themes such as the thinking processes, intercultural understanding, effective communication, personal development, and applied ethics will be covered in this 3-semester course. The following 3 aspects of the CORE are monitored during the PPS class and are part of the completion requirements for the CP program. A separate "research project" half credit is earned first semester of senior year for the successful Reflective Project completion.
Course #: 07108011
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Design Fundamentals
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Photography courses expose students to the materials, processes, and artistic techniques of taking artistic photographs. Students learn about the operation of a camera, composition, lighting techniques, depth of field, filters, camera angles, and film development. The course may cover black-and-white photography, color photography, or both. As students advance, the instruction regarding the creative process becomes more refined, and students are encouraged to develop their own artistic style. These courses may also cover major photographers, art movements, and styles.
Course #: 07108021
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Photo Art 1
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Photographic Art 2 is an extension of Photographic Art 1, and is designed to teach photography techniques in preparation for the commercial photography careers. Photography courses expose students to the materials, processes, and artistic techniques of taking artistic photographs. Students learn about the operation of a camera, composition, lighting techniques, depth of field, filters, camera angles, and film development. The course may cover black-and-white photography, color photography, or both. As students advance, the instruction regarding the creative process becomes more refined, and students are encouraged to develop their own artistic style. These courses may also cover major photographers, art movements, and styles.
Course #: 21110332
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Capture your creativity in Photo Imaging! Learn how to use professional cameras, lighting, and editing software to create stunning images for a variety of applications. Explore photography techniques, principles of composition, and storytelling through visuals. Develop your skills with hands-on projects, create a portfolio, and discover career paths in photography. Perfect for students ready to turn their visuals into art!
Course #: 03091020
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This is a science survey course for students before they take chemistry or physics. The scientific method, science processes, laboratory techniques, and measurement will be emphasized. This course will provide a scientific way of thinking, problem solving and an overview of essential science content in the areas of physics, chemistry, Earth, and space sciences.
Course #: 03116002
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This is a lab-based course designed to study motion, force, work, heat, sound, light, electricity, and magnetism. The understanding of relationships will be developed through reading, discussion, problems, and lab work. Many everyday phenomena will be explained in terms of physics and its principles. A scientific calculator is required for this course.
Course #: 03146012
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: Usually taken after a comprehensive initial study of physics, Physics—Advanced Studies courses provide instruction in laws of conservation, thermodynamics, and kinetics; wave and particle phenomena; electromagnetic fields; and fluid dynamics.
Course #: 03146016
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Physical Science courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Physical Science exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. These courses integrate the study of physics and chemistry, showing how the physical and chemical properties of materials can be explained and predicted in terms of atomic, molecular, and crystal structures and forces. In keeping with the general aim of IB Experimental Sciences courses, IB Physical Science courses promote critical analysis, prediction, and application of scientific information and hypotheses; improved ability to communicate scientific ideas; and an awareness of the impact of science and scientific advances upon both society and issues of ethical, philosophical, and political importance. Students are required to develop and pursue an individual, experimental project, which is evaluated as part of the IB exam.
Course #: 03146022
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: Usually taken after a comprehensive initial study of physics, Physics—Advanced Studies courses provide instruction in laws of conservation, thermodynamics, and kinetics; wave and particle phenomena; electromagnetic fields; and fluid dynamics.
Course #: 03146026
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Physics courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Physics exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. In keeping with the general aim of IB Experimental Sciences courses, IB Physics promotes understanding of the facts, patterns, and principles underlying the field of physics; critical analysis, prediction, and application of scientific information and hypotheses; improved ability to communicate scientific ideas; and an awareness of the impact of scientific advances in physics upon both society and issues of ethical, philosophical, and political importance. Course content varies, but includes the study of the fundamental laws of nature and the interaction between concepts of matter, fields, waves, and energy. Laboratory experimentation is essential; calculus may be used in some courses.
Course #: 03126010
Credit Type: Science
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: appropriate Accuplacer score or high school GPA 2.5+ and a ‘C’ in most recent English
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 5 hours
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC NASC-0231 - General Physics I and Lab, 5 credit hours KCKCC Description: The course covers mechanics, heat, fluids, oscillations, waves, sound and thermodynamics. The course requires conceptual understanding and problem solving using the tools of algebra and trigonometry. Schedule: five hours of lectures and two hours of lab work per week. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer score of 255 on Reading and Writing tests AND Accuplacer score of 263+ on Math test. (Rev. Feb 2020; https://www.kckcc.edu/files/docs/academics/catalog/2018-2019/course-descriptions.pdf)
Course #: 08108031
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Piano Lab is an introduction to the keyboard and the fundamentals of music for students. The curriculum includes note reading, chording, playing scales and single line melodies with chordal accompaniment, transposing, and experience in the various styles and techniques of piano playing. This course may be taken for credit in multiple years.
Course #: 09102021
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Intro to Theatre or previous experience
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: Playwriting introduces the craft of writing for the theater. Students will use brainstorming and improvisational techniques to generate original scripts for stage production and will explore scene structure, action, events, voice, and dialogue with an emphasis on process, risk-taking, and finding one's own voice and vision. This course may be taken for credit in multiple years. Attendance at evening or weekend events is encouraged.
Course #: 21430335
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 0.5
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Gain practical knowledge of the legal system in Practical Law! This course explores key legal principles affecting everyday life, including criminal law, family law, juvenile law, and torts. Learn about the rights and responsibilities of individuals, the functions of government, and the legal processes that shape society. Develop problem-solving skills, analyze real-world legal scenarios, and prepare for a career in law. Perfect for students curious about how law impacts their lives and communities.
Course #: 02123202
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: appropriate Accuplacer score, or Math ACT 21+ (SAT 520+), or high school GPA 3.5+ and a ‘C’ or better in Algebra 2 or beyond
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 5 hours
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC MATH-0108 - Pre-Calculus, 5 credit hours KCKCC Description: Pre-Calculus includes the analysis and graphing of functions, including constant, linear, absolute value, square root, polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions, non-functions and trigonometric functions; solving equations and inequalities, including polynomial equations, exponential equations, logarithmic equations, trigonometric equations, systems of linear equations and inequalities; trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions, radian and degree measure, identities, and applications to physical problems; conic sections; and sequences and series. A graphing calculator is required for this course. Pre-requisites: Grade of C or higher in MATH-0106 College Algebra (Rev. Feb 2020; https://www.kckcc.edu/files/docs/academics/catalog/2018-2019/course-descriptions.pdf)
Course #: 02123202
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Algebra 2 or Algeba 2 & Trigonometry+
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: Pre-calculus Honors is available to students after completing either Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 & Trigonometry Honors. The purpose of the course is to challenge students academically, while also providing the instructional supports found in a traditional high school classroom and not a college-style course. Instruction emphasizes algebraic and graphical analysis with transformations, the study of continuity, rational, logarithmic and exponential functions, trigonometric functions and circular relations, conics, sequences and series, limits, parametrics, and vectors.
Course #: 11105035
Credit Type: Career and Techincal Education
Credit: 0.5
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Principles of Advertising exposes students to the varied concepts underlying the promotion of products. The topics included in Principles of Advertising typically include the psychology of advertising, a study of various media, advertising planning and budgeting, and advertising layout and design principles. Course topics may also include an overview of commercial art and packaging.
Course #: 21260313
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Explore the foundations of health and medicine! This course introduces you to real-world challenges and innovative solutions through topics like genetics, infectious diseases, water quality, and medical interventions. Engage in hands-on experiments, design models, and analyze data to solve problems in clinical medicine, biomedical engineering, and public health. Perfect for students interested in science, healthcare, and making an impact in the medical field!
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
High School Credit: 1.0
College Credit: Yes
College Credits Earned: 4
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Other Information: Bio+ program
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC BIOL-0135 - Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology, 4 credit hours KCKCC Description: This is an integrated lecture and laboratory course for biology majors and students planning to take additional courses in biology. This class introduces the fundamental biological principles characteristic of all living things. Since the cell is the basic unit of life, this course will focus on life at the cellular and molecular levels. Subjects covered include basic biochemistry, cell anatomy and physiology, bioenergetics, genetics and evolution. Emphasis will be placed on learning the process skills and equipment associated with being a biologist. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer Reading score 240+.
Course #: 21520351
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Discover how businesses connect with customers in Principles of Marketing! Learn the basics of advertising, sales, and product promotion while exploring how companies develop and sell their products. This course gives you the skills to understand consumer behavior and creating marketing strategies, perfect for students curious about the world of business and branding.
Course #: 07103031
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Design Fundamentals (required) and Drawing 1
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: Printmaking courses introduce students to a variety of printmaking techniques using processes such as relief printing (monoprint, collagraph block); intaglio (etching and engraving); and perigraphy (silkscreen films, stencils, block-out). These courses emphasize design elements and principles and introduce art criticism as applied to fine art prints. Lessons may also include the historical development of printmaking in Western and non-Western cultures.
Course #: 02113030
Credit Type: Math
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 & Trigonometry+
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: Probability and Statistics is available for students after completing two credits of mathematics. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to real-life examples of counting methods, probability, descriptive statistics, graphs of data, the normal curve, statistical inference, and linear regression. The course focuses on the use of statistics in context in various professional pathways.
Course #: 04105011
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: Psychology is the study of human behavior. Students will be introduced to the study of individual human behavior. Includes an overview of the field of psychology, topics in human growth and development, personality and behavior, and abnormal psychology.
Course #: 04144032
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: The IB psychology course is the systematic study of behavior and mental processes. Students undertaking the course can expect to develop an understanding of how psychological knowledge is generated, developed and applied. The course will explore the biological, cognitive and sociocultural constructs of behavior as well as examining specific behavior such as human relationships, human development, and abnormal psychology.
Course #: 04144012
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Psychology courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Psychology exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. Course content includes developmental and social psychology, cognition and learning, and personality subject areas, which are approached from biological/physiological, behavioral, and humanistic points of view. These courses may include a study of research design and statistics and involve practical work in psychological research.
Course #: 04144042
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: The IB psychology course is the systematic study of behavior and mental processes. Students undertaking the course can expect to develop an understanding of how psychological knowledge is generated, developed and applied. The course will explore the biological, cognitive and sociocultural constructs of behavior as well as examining specific behavior such as human relationships, human development, and abnormal psychology.
Course #: 04144022
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: The IB psychology course is the systematic study of behavior and mental processes. Students undertaking the course can expect to develop an understanding of how psychological knowledge is generated, developed and applied. The course will explore the biological, cognitive and sociocultural constructs of behavior as well as examining specific behavior such as human relationships, human development, and abnormal psychology.
Course #: 04125010
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: appropriate Accuplacer score or high school GPA 3.0+ and ‘B’ or better in most recent English or ACT Reading/English 18 (SAT 500
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 3 hours
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC PSYC-0101 - Psychology, 3 credit hours KCKCC Description: This course is an introduction to the basic concepts, theories, and research findings in the evolving field of psychology. By learning to think psychologically, students gain insight into themselves and the dynamics of human thinking, behavior, and emotions. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer score of 255 on Reading and Writing tests. (Rev. Feb 2020; https://www.kckcc.edu/files/docs/academics/catalog/2018-2019/course-descriptions.pdf)
Course #: 01113042
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: appropriate Accuplacer score or high school GPA 3.0+ and 'B' or better in most recent English or ACT Reading/English 18 (SAT 500)
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 3 hours
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: None
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC SPCH-0151 - Public Speaking, 3 credit hours KCKCC Description: This is a basic speech course dealing with the oral communication process through the study of public speaking. Students will learn to select topics, analyze their audience, organize and gather support for a speech, improve delivery skills and reduce communication apprehension, listen for information and evaluation purposes, and distinguish between different types of speeches. Each student will develop and deliver a minimum of four speeches during the course. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer Score of 255+ on Reading AND Writing or ACT English Score of 18. (Rev. Feb 2020; https://www.kckcc.edu/files/docs/academics/catalog/2018-2019/course-descriptions.pdf)
Course #: 01147011
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: Research/Technical Writing classes prepare students to write research papers and/or technical reports. These classes emphasize researching (primary and secondary sources), organizing (material, thoughts, and arguments), and writing in a persuasive or technical style.
Course #: 21140315
Credit Type: Career and Technical Education
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: contact your counselor for more information
Description: Dive into the world of robotics! In this course, you'll learn how to design, build, and program robots while exploring mechanics, electronics, and coding. Through hands-on projects, you'll solve real-world challenges and develop problem-solving and teamwork skills. Perfect for students excited about technology, engineering, and innovation!
Course #: 04103004
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Milestones Aviation Hist AS1
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: No
Grade Level: 10-12
Other Information: Washington HS ONLY
Description: The Science of Flight is taken the second year of the ROTC program and is designed to acquaint the student with the aerospace environment, the human requirements of flight, principles of aircraft flight, and principles of navigation. The course begins with a discussion of the atmosphere and weather. Students will develop an understanding of the environment and will be introduced to how that environment affects flight. Discussions include the forces of lift, drag, thrust and weight. Students will also learn basic navigation, including map reading, course plotting and the effects of wind. Human physiology is also discussed regarding the effects of acceleration and deceleration and protective equipment.
Course #: 07096001
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Design Fundamentals
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: This course is designed for students interested in learning the techniques of modeling, constructing, carving, and molding three-dimensional forms using a variety of techniques and materials. Materials may include clay, wood, paper, and metals. There will be group and individual projects.
Course #: 07106021
Credit Type: Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: Design Fundamentals (required) and Sculpture 1
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: Sculpture 2 is an extension of Sculpture 1. Students will expand their three-dimensional experience by creating more advanced projects as well as by developing a deeper understanding of composition. A variety of media will be used including clay, wood, paper, and metals.
Course #: 04134030
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: Cultural Anthropology is the comparative study of how people live around the world. Anthropologists study how culture is learned and shared and how it influences all aspects of our life - what we eat, whom we marry, what we find desirable, whom we consider our family and how we see the world - looking for common threads and contrasts. The class seeks to bring an understanding of humankind and to value its diversity. We will be studying gender, race, religion, immigration, health and illness, power, economic inequality, globalization, and conflict. We will study many cultures but will pay special attention to Hmong, to Triqui migrants working in the US, women working in call centers in India, and gender and race issues in the US.
Course #: 04134010
Credit Type: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: Cultural Anthropology is the comparative study of how people live around the world. Anthropologists study how culture is learned and shared and how it influences all aspects of our life - what we eat, whom we marry, what we find desirable, whom we consider our family and how we see the world - looking for common threads and contrasts. The class seeks to bring an understanding of humankind and to value its diversity. We will be studying gender, race, religion, immigration, health and illness, power, economic inequality, globalization, and conflict. We will study many cultures but will pay special attention to Hmong, to Triqui migrants working in the US, women working in call centers in India, and gender and race issues in the US.
Course #: 04134040
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: Cultural Anthropology is the comparative study of how people live around the world. Anthropologists study how culture is learned and shared and how it influences all aspects of our life - what we eat, whom we marry, what we find desirable, whom we consider our family and how we see the world - looking for common threads and contrasts. The class seeks to bring an understanding of humankind and to value its diversity. We will be studying gender, race, religion, immigration, health and illness, power, economic inequality, globalization, and conflict. We will study many cultures but will pay special attention to Hmong, to Triqui migrants working in the US, women working in call centers in India, and gender and race issues in the US.
Course #: 04106011
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 0.5
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: Sociology introduces students to the study of human behavior in society. Students will overview topics such as social institutions and norms, socialization and social change, and the relationships among individuals and groups in society such as customs, folkways, mores, social problems, including crime and the penal system, values in family life, and social class stratification, in various cultures.
Course #: 04129021
Credit Type: ELECTIVE
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: appropriate Accuplacer score or high school GPA 3.0+ and ‘B’ or better in most recent English or ACT Reading/English 18 (SAT 500)
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 3 hours
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC SOSC-0107 - Sociology, 3 credit hours KCKCC Description: This course is a general introduction to the field of sociology. It includes both a study of the theoretical aspects, as well as the actual behavior pattern of human groups and associations. Emphasis is placed on scientific evidence to illustrate and illuminate sociological theories and principles. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer Reading score 240+. (Rev. Feb 2020; https://www.kckcc.edu/files/docs/academics/catalog/2018-2019/course-descriptions.pdf)
Course #: 05091011
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: No
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: This course is designed for students with little or no experience learning Spanish. Students study basic language structures and vocabulary in context. Students will be able to use individual words and short phrases to speak and write in Spanish and answer basic comprehension questions about information they read and hear. Students will also learn about Hispanic/Latinx culture including practices, products, and perspectives associated with the topics of the course.
Course #: 05101020
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Spanish 1 or Spanish Heritage Speakers 1
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: No
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course is a continuation of Spanish 1. Students will learn to speak and write using a variety of vocabulary, connecting words, and use simple paragraphs. Students will read for main ideas and details, study grammar and vocabulary in context, and continue to learn about Hispanic/Latinx culture including practices, products, and perspectives associated with the topics of the course.
Course #: 05111002
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Spanish 2 or Spanish Heritage Speakers 2
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course is a continuation of Spanish 2. Students will be gradually exposed to complex concepts, engage in spontaneous verbal and written communication, and analyze authentic Spanish text and audio passages. Students continue to learn language structures and vocabulary in context and continue to learn about Hispanic/Latinx culture.
Course #: 05141052
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Spanish 3 or Spanish Heritage Speakers 3
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Language B Spanish courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Language B exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. These courses focus on improving student’s accuracy and fluency in oral and written communication (usually in the students second language). Students preparing to take the Subsidiary level exam will be able to understand native speakers; students preparing for the Higher level exam will be able to communicate fluently at native speed.
Course #: 05141012
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Spanish 3 or Spanish Heritage Speakers 3
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 11-12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Language B Spanish courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Language B exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. These courses focus on improving student’s accuracy and fluency in oral and written communication (usually in the students second language). Students preparing to take the Subsidiary level exam will be able to understand native speakers; students preparing for the Higher level exam will be able to communicate fluently at native speed.
Course #: 05141032
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Spanish 4
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Language B Spanish courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Language B exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. These courses focus on improving student’s accuracy and fluency in oral and written communication (usually in the students second language). Students preparing to take the Subsidiary level exam will be able to understand native speakers; students preparing for the Higher level exam will be able to communicate fluently at native speed.
Course #: 05141022
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Spanish 4
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 12
Other Information: Sumner Academy ONLY
Description: IB Language B Spanish courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Language B exams at either the Subsidiary or Higher level. These courses focus on improving student’s accuracy and fluency in oral and written communication (usually in the students second language). Students preparing to take the Subsidiary level exam will be able to understand native speakers; students preparing for the Higher level exam will be able to communicate fluently at native speed.
Course #: 05091024
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: KCKPS screener
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 09-12
Description: This course is designed for heritage/native speakers of Spanish at a Novice-High proficiency level. Students will develop, maintain, and enhance proficiency through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will explore the cultures of Hispanic/Latinx communities, including their own, in order to recognize the value of their language and experiences.
Course #: 05101034
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Spanish 1 or Spanish Heritage Speakers 1
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: No
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course is designed for heritage/native speakers of Spanish at an Intermediate-Mid proficiency level and is a continuation of Spanish Heritage Speakers 1. Students will continue to study language structures, variation, and registers used in Hispanic/Latinx communities to deepen their understanding of their own identity, history, and culture.
Course #: 05111032
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: Spanish 2 or Spanish Heritage Speakers 2
College Credit: No
College Hours Earned: 0
Grade Level: 10-12
Description: This course is designed for heritage/native speakers of Spanish at an Advanced proficiency level and is a continuation of Spanish Heritage Speakers 2. Students will continue to study language structures, variation, and registers used in Hispanic/Latinx communities to deepen their understanding of their own identity, history, and culture.
Course #: 05121010
Credit Type: World Languages
Credit: 1.0
Pre/Co Requisite: appropriate Accuplacer score or high school GPA 2.5+ and a ‘C’ in most recent English
College Credit: Yes
College Hours Earned: 5 hours
Grade Level: 11-12
Description: This is the high school course for KCKCC LANG-0141 - Spanish I, 5 credit hours KCKCC Description: Spanish I is the first semester of Spanish for students with little or no previous instruction in Spanish. This course enables students to attain a basic competency in all language skills: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture. Pre-requisites: Accuplacer Score of 240 on Reading test (Rev. Feb 2020; https://www.kckcc.edu/files/docs/academics/catalog/2018-2019/course-descriptions.pdf)