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Multi-Tiered System of Supports

Vision for the Kansas MTSS Framework in KCKPS

For KCKPS to reach their vision of being one to the Top 10 school districts in the nation and goal of each student exiting high school prepared for college and careers in a global society, and at every level, performance is on track and on time, KCKPS must implement the Kansas MTSS Framework which will…

  • Provide a clear, coherent, and consistent student focus that ensures alignment across the district.

  • Support the system with focusing on a limited number of priorities and set up evaluation measures to help eliminate initiatives and programs that are not positively impacting student achievement. 

  • Increase our students’ reading and math achievement at ALL levels. 

  • Establish consistent behavioral and social-emotional supports that assist the whole child.

What is the Kansas MTSS Integrated Framework?

A Multi-Tier System of Supports and Alignment (MTSS) describes how districts and schools provide supports for each child to be successful and the processes used to make decisions.

The Kansas MTSS Integrated Framework is a set of evidence-based practices implemented to meet the needs of ALL learners. MTSS builds a system of prevention, early intervention, and supports to ensure that all students are learning from the instruction. MTSS establishes a system that focuses on leadership, professional development, and an empowering culture and content areas of reading, mathematics, behavior, and social-emotional learning.

MTSS triangle graphic

Components of the Kansas MTSS Framework

  • All (Core) represents the core, or Tier 1, and it is the foundation for the educational experience for all students and includes curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

  • Some (Strategic) represents the strategic level of support provided to some students and is referred to as Tier 2. The use of data-based decisions regarding grouping and instruction of students is essential at this level. 

  • Few (Intensive) represents the most intensive intervention available and is often referred to as Tier 3. A strong core and effective strategic support help ensure that the number of students served at this level remains small enough to provide intensive support.

Curriculum, instruction, and assessment influence the system’s ability to meet each student’s needs.

  • Curriculum: The curricular materials used at all the levels are research and/or evidence-based and align with Kansas State Standards. 

  • Instruction: Schools will plan explicit, systematic, scaffolded instruction in a purposeful manner. These practices are evidence-based and implemented with fidelity to positively impact student learning. 

  • Assessments are used for a variety of purposes. A comprehensive assessment system for academics, behavior, and social-emotional learning includes valid and reliable assessments for the purposes of (1) universal screening, (2) diagnostics, (3) progress monitoring, and (4) outcomes in each area being addressed. 

Leadership, Professional Development, and an Empowering Culture ensure that all the work that takes place within the system is supported and sustainable. 

  • Leadership is an essential for creating sustainable change. Formal structures of leadership are required to ensure consistent communication and support to all stakeholders including staff. 

  • Effective professional development supporting MTSS practices requires a carefully designed and executed plan. Professional development must be designed so that all staff members receive initial training and implementation support. 

  • An Empowering Culture is key to creating a sustainable system. In an empowering culture, staff, students, families, and stakeholders become actively involved in the process of school improvement. 

Contact MTSS

Tracy Brotherton

Tracy Brotherton

Titles: Diploma+ CCIP Coach - Tiered Instruction (K-5)
Phone Numbers:
School: 913-627-5619
Kendra Holliday

Kendra Holliday

Titles: Diploma+ CCIP Coach - Tiered Instruction (K-12)
Phone Numbers:
School: 913-627-2624