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KCKPS Sports Network

KCKPS launches new sports network

Back by popular demand, the KCKPS Sports Network is here for the 2024-25 Season!

KCKPS Sports Network Broadcast Schedule

2024-2025 Winter Season

Date Sport Teams Time
Tuesday, December 17 Girls Basketball Sumner vs. Washington 7PM

Tuesday, January 14

Girls Basketball Schlagle vs. Harmon 5:30 PM
Friday, February 14 Boys Basketball Sumner vs. Washington 7PM
Tuesday February 18 Boys Basketball Washington vs. Schlagle 7PM
Friday, February 21 Girls Basketball Washington vs. Wyandotte 7PM
Friday, February 28 Boys Basketball Wyandotte vs. Harmon 7PM


Watch Full Games

KCKPS Girls Basketball: Wyandotte at J.C. Harmon
KCKPS Boys Basketball: F.L. Schlagle at Sumner Academy
KCKPS Boys Basketball: Washington at Wyandotte
KCKPS Girls Basketball: Sumner Academy at Washington
KCKPS Boys Basketball: Sumner Academy at J.C. Harmon
KCKPS Girls Basketball: Sumner Academy at Wyandotte

A Real-World Learning Opportunity

In addition, the sports network provides an opportunity for KCKPS students to learn about the sports broadcasting industry through our Diploma+ program. Students are able to gain knowledge in sports television production, including on-air talent, sideline reporting, camera operations, video editing, and more.

two students working with a camera in basketball bleachers
a student watching an adult use video equipment
two studetns working with a camera in basketball bleachers