USD500 Board Policy: All Grants Require CFO Approval Prior to Submission. This includes all grants and Donors Choose projects.
NOTE: Donors Choose is the only approved platform for posting donation requests.
GoFundMe and Amazon Wishlists are NOT approved platforms.
Requests for gift cards will not be approved. Do not include them in Donors Choose projects.
Complete steps 1-7 below BEFORE posting a project on Donors Choose. Donors Choose sends notification of project postings to building principals and KCKPS Grant
Writer. Do not post projects without prior approval. For donation requests other than Donors Choose or for questions, contact KCKPS Grant Writer.
CONFIRM the four requirements in blue on the graphic above.
Does your idea/project align with the School Improvement Plan, KCKPS Strategic Plan, and/or KESA Framework?
Do all requested books and curriculum supplements align with the GVC?
Does all technology requested align with district technology guidelines?
Have you communicated with the principal to explore all internal sources of funding (building budget, grade level budget, federal programs budget, etc.)?
NAVIGATE to, create project content, but do not submit.
In creating project content, use positive, person-first language to describe our students, their families, KCKPS, and its programs and services.
Maintain compliance with all FERPA, IDEA, and applicable student privacy laws.
See this link from Donors Choose for inspiration: How to describe your classroom using asset framing.
COMPLETE and submit the Intent to Request Donations Form. You can copy/paste from your Donors Choose project.
SNAP a screenshot of the project budget from your Donors Choose project. Make sure it captures all items and the total request amount.
OBTAIN your principal’s signature on the Intent form as requested by the grant writer.
ATTACH a snapshot of your project’s budget in an email to Grant Writer.
AWAIT notification from the grant writer of project’s approval by Federal Programs and the Chief Financial Officer.
POST your project once it’s approved. SHARE it on your social media for optimal results.
ADD items to inventory if necessary. This applies to all electronic devices and any item valued at $500 or more. Contact the Risk Management department for instructions.
THANK donors! Follow Donors Choose guidelines for expressing thanks.
REMEMBER: all donated items remain the property of the program or project for which donors contributed. If a teacher transitions to another grade level, building, or district, the items must remain with the original program as described.
For questions or assistance, contact the KCKPS Grant Writer in the Federal Programs Office by email or phone at (913) 627-2465.