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Students with the following health condition(s) shall be excluded from school:

  • Oral temperature of 100 degrees F or higher
  • Elevated (or possibly a normal) temperature combined with any of the following: a severe cold with yellow-green nasal discharge, excessive coughing, swollen glands, or skin rash
  • Eyes inflamed with purulent discharge; if bacterial, may remain in school once any prescribed therapy is started
  • Influenza: For diagnosed influenza, remain home for a minimum of five days following the beginning of symptoms. Student must remain out beyond five days if not ALSO fever-free for 48 hours.
  • COVID-19: For more information, visit our COVID-19 Information page.
  • Drainage from ear(s)
  • Skin lesions (i.e. impetigo, ringworm and scabies) until under treatment with approved medication (consult school nurse for length of time)
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea (i.e. two or more loose stools)
  • Fainting, seizure, or general signs of listlessness
  • Questions about other communicable diseases such as fifth's disease, chickenpox, head lice, hand / foot / mouth syndrome, etc. should be directed to your child's school nurse.

Students will be re-admitted after being fever-free (without the use of fever-reducing medication) or symptom-free for 48 hours. Students with some conditions may return to school after being treated for 48 hours with an antibiotic. Call the school nurse for specific readmission guidelines.

Chronic Health Conditions

  • Please inform the school nurse of a chronic health condition and all emergency medications prescribed for your child. Each school has a registered nurse to provide case management and care for students with chronic (diabetes, asthma) and acute (concussion, broken bones) health conditions requiring treatment or accommodation during school.

  • Students who have provider issued injectable epinephrine (Epi-Pen) will be stored and available for use in the presence of potential anaphylaxis (life-threatening allergic reaction). Use of an Epi-Pen requires an immediate call to 911 and lawful custodians. Parents of students with a known history of potential for a serious allergic reaction are advised to visit with their physician regarding the need for student-specific medication. Refer to the Student Self-Administration of medication policy for procedures to follow in order to allow a student to self-carry emergency allergy or asthma medication.