Discuss with your child that it is a privilege to ride the school bus and help them understand how it helps your family and the education system. The attire and behavior on the school bus is the same in the classroom and is discussed further in the Student Code of Conduct.?? Students must be at the bus stop at least (10) minutes prior to an estimated pick up time.
In the interest of maintaining safety standards, the bus driver may issue discipline notices to any student, whom creates a disturbance or violates safety rules specified herein:
Illustrations of improper conduct:
Failure to remain seated at all times except when entering or leaving the bus.
- Loud conversations, shouting, obscene language or gestures not properly suited to a classroom.
- Scuffing, fighting, jostling, or otherwise creating a disturbance or disorder.
- Extending hands, heads or objects from the bus.
- Throwing any object including paper or trash either within the bus or out of the bus.
- Creating any hazard, damage or unnecessary delay of the bus before entering, while on, or after leaving the bus.
- Physical or verbal abuse toward the bus driver.
- Tampering with any of the operating equipment including sitting in the driver's seat or opening the emergency door.
Field Trips
All school bus safety rules apply to passengers riding the bus to and from a school-sponsored event. The bus driver shall have overall responsibility for the bus and the safety of all passengers with the assistance of the sponsor.
Late Activity Bus Stops
Activity bus passes are required for all students riding the late after school activity bus. Eligible students must be participating in a school approved activity such as sports, cheerleading, and or tutoring. Students who do not meet distance requirements for regular transportation are NOT eligible for activity bus transportation. Activity bus passes are to be obtained from the school office the day of the event, and be submitted to the bus driver upon boarding.
Activity stops are centrally located by area and must accommodate the entire school boundary. In most cases, these stops will not be the same as the student's regular bus stop, and an activity bus stop could potentially be routed up to 6 blocks from a regular bus stop. Please contact Transportation for additional information.
Preschool Students
Every preschool student will be properly secured with a safety seat belt and will be required to be met by school staff at the school and parent/guardian at the bus stop. If no connection is made at the bus stop, the student will remain on the bus and be returned to the designated school. Continuous concerns will impact bus riding privileges. Every effort will be made to include a second adult as a bus monitor on the bus to assist the driver with any concerns.
For specially routed students, if a student does not ride (3) consecutive days, the bus driver may place the bus stop on hold until a parent notifies Transportation, with the need to reinstate the bus service.
Route Times
Route times are estimated and may fluctuate especially at opening of school. Times should stabilize after the first few days. Pick up times are estimated and could be changed or adjusted throughout the school year as necessary.
Student Safety and Conduct
School buses are designed with many features designed for the safety of students. A major design factor is the compartmentalization (compartment) formed by each seat, which protects the students; when they are sitting appropriately on the seat.
All riders are expected to follow the guidelines of the District 500 Code of Conduct. Riders are expected to board and exit at their designated pick up or delivery point. Any changes in pick up or drop off must be processed through the school. Allow at least (3) days to process changes.
Every student shall be seated and drivers may assign seats. Seating may be three pupils per seat in a 39-inch seat and two per seat in a 26-inch seat.
Bus capacity shall be determined by allowing 13 inches of seat width per individual times the number of 39-inch seats (3 passengers per seat) and 26-inch seats (2 passengers per seat) per bus. If the bus is at full capacity, any large objects including musical instruments that cannot reasonably be held on the students lap are subject to being removed.
Special Needs Transportation
In order to qualify for Special Needs transportation, the assigned School I.E.P. team must determine that special transportation is needed as a related service.
Regular Education students with temporary medical conditions or injury may qualify for special needs transportation. Each case will be reviewed by Student Services.
Student Discipline
The first requirement for bus safety is an orderly bus. The school bus is considered as an extension of the classroom; rules, regulations and procedures are in place to assure a safe, courteous and efficient transportation service that is consistent with Board Policies and Student Code of Conduct. Temporary suspension of a student's riding privileges because of improper conduct may be ordered by the Director of Transportation and / or the school principal and or designee.
Step 1
Each student will be given an opportunity to correct or adjust their behavior when receiving a verbal warning from the school bus driver.
Step 2
Failure to correct the behavior will result in a written warning from the school bus driver and generate notice to the home and school to initiate involvement.
Step 3
If similar behavior continues, the driver will report the activity on a second written warning. The Director of Transportation will determine and communicate the appropriate bus suspension consequences to the school. Transportation is responsible for notifying the home regarding bus suspensions.
Step 4
If the previous consequences prove ineffective and the disruptive or unsafe behavior continues, parent must arrange a conference with the Director of Transportation to determine if riding privileges will continue.
Step 5
If similar behavior continues, bus riding privileges will be revoked for the remainder of the school year and transportation to and from school will become parent responsibility.
Bus Video / Audio Monitoring
Audio video cameras on school buses are used to monitor behavior, to ensure safety for all passengers and the bus driver. Parents with concerns may contact Transportation to request that a USD 500 school official(s) review a particular bus ride event; however USD 500 school officials are the only ones to review a video, as parents will not be authorized to do so.
Thank you for your support.