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District Publications

Daily Digital News

Text that says "The KCKPS Newsroom: Inspiring Excellence Through Storytelling"

The KCKPS Newsroom is a one stop place for good news about our district. You’ll be able to find articles, photos, and videos highlighting the great people, events, and opportunities at KCKPS. It’s updated regularly, so visit today!

Visit the KCKPS newsroom

KCKPS Monthly Newsletters

Excellence at a Glance Newsletter

KCKPS Excellence at a Glance logo

KCKPS publishes a NSPRA Award-winning email newsletter for parents, students, staff, and the community.

Subscribe to the KCKPS Excellence at a Glance Newsletter

Excellence at a Glance Archives

Excellence at a Glance Newsletter - September 2024
Excellence at a Glance Newsletter - August 2024
Excellence at a Glance Newsletter - July 2024


Parents as Partners Newsletter

Parents as Partners logo

The Parents as Partners newsletter is full of helpful information, primarily focused on what’s happening in Kansas City, Public Schools, but geared towards parents. 

You’ll find a section on important dates, tips parents can use for helping their student achieve, articles on special events and what’s happening in the Kansas City, Kansas community. 

Subscribe to the Parents as Partners Newsletter

Parents as Partners Archives

Parents as Partners Newsletter - September 2024
Parents as Partners Newsletter - August 2024
Parents as Partners Newsletter - July 2024

Blue Text: Education Connection in both English and Spanish. KCKPS Logo.

Education Connection Magazine

Education Connection is a bilingual, twice-yearly, news magazine produced by Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools and printed by CherryRoad Media. It is sent by mail to more than 50,000 households in the district.


The most recent and a number of past issues are available digitally:

Read in English

Lea en español

More District Publications

The 2022-23 Student Code of Conduct has been printed in an English/Spanish bilingual format. The Code of Conduct text is also available here online, in the segments below: