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Attend to Achieve: Attendance Guidelines

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Attendance Matters – for All Students, in Every School

It's a fact: Students who attend school regularly learn more and are more successful in school than students who do not. Furthermore, children who develop good attendance habits in the early grades will be more likely to continue them throughout their school career and well into their chosen career.

Regular attendance is critically important because students who miss school miss out on carefully planned sequences of instruction, active learning experiences, class participation, and the opportunity to ask questions. As a result, tey are more likely to fall behind and are more likely to drop out.

Ultimately, parents who make regular school attendance a priority are also helping their children learn to accept responsibility: an important lesson for a successful life. 

Keep Students Engaged and Excited About School

Student Absences and Truancy


The following are definitions of key terms related to the types of student absences and truancy. 

How to Avoid Truancy

  1. Report Absences: To ensure accurate attendance, please notify the school before 9:30 a.m. if your child is absent. You can now report absences through the Parent Portal for added convenience. Simply log in, click on the Absence Request Button, enter the details, and submit.

    • Students who are absent without a parent’s or guardian’s excuse may have their absence marked as unexcused, which could lead to truancy concerns.

  2. Doctor’s Appointments: The school encourages parents to schedule doctor and dental appointments after school hours.

    • If a student has excessive absences due to health, parents or guardians may need to provide supporting documentation to excuse the absences. 

  3. Requests to Leave School: Parents or guardians must notify the Front Office if their child needs to leave for an appointment. To have the absence considered excused, parents or guardians must check out the student through the Front Office. Students who leave school without prior parental consent and without checking out through the office will have their absences marked as unexcused.

  4. School Activities:  Students who take part in school-sponsored athletic and academic events are proudly representing their school and are not marked absent (except during summer school). To fully benefit from their educational experience, they should make up any missed assignments and attend school on the day of the activity to remain eligible for participation.

  5. Withdrawal for Non-Attendance: Before a student is withdrawn for non-attendance, we will use a variety of supportive strategies to address the issue. We will document all efforts, including phone calls, home visits, and written communications. Our goal is to work closely with families to find solutions and support the student’s continued success. If needed, we will also follow legal requirements by reporting any cases of abuse or neglect to the Division of Youth Services. Our commitment is to provide the best support and resources to help every student thrive.