Title I Schools
School-Home Compacts
- About School-Home Compacts
- Print-Only Copies of Elementary School-Home Compacts
- Print-Only Copies of Middle School-Home Compacts
About School-Home Compacts
The school-home compact is a written agreement between teachers, parents, and students. The compact clarifies what families and schools can do to help students reach high academic standards. The compact is a written agreement that provides support for the academic success of students by enhancing effective communications between school and the home. Each individual compact contains the information below.
- School Mission Statement
- School Vision Statement
- Staff Commitment
We will create a partnership with every family in our school.
We will make sure students understand the assignment, what they’ll learn from it, and grade it promptly.
We will closely monitor the academic progress of each student and make sure students get help as soon as it’s needed.
We will provide a safe, positive, and healthy learning environment for each student.
We will respect individual differences in children.
We will continually work on our teaching strategies so that we can successfully teach all students.
We will develop learning and assignments that are relevant and interesting.
We will communicate students’ progress to the home on a frequent basis and be accessible to parents/guardians through phone calls, emails or person-to-person meetings.
- Student commitment
I will come to school every day possible, on time and prepared to work.
I will complete all assignments and homework to the best of my ability and turn in my work when it’s due.
I will let my teacher and family know if I need help.
I will work on my math and reading skills at home, using the materials my teacher sends home.
I will read daily outside of school time.
I will show respect to others. I will be responsible for myself and my actions. I will be caring to people around me and I will be honest at all times. I can learn, I will learn.
- Parent/Guardian Commitment
I will communicate the importance of learning and education to my student.
I will see that my student attends school and arrives on time.
I will read with my student and encourage him or her to read daily.
I will let the teacher know if my student has any problems with learning.
I will support the school’s discipline and attendance policies.
I will participate in my student’s education by attending activities and volunteering, when I can.
I will review all school communications and talk with the school and teacher, when needed.
The compact was designed with input from staff and parents, and is a part of a Title I, ESEA effort to encourage a school-based partnership that will help all students succeed.
A compliant print-only PDF facsimile document of each KCKPS Title I School-Home Compact can be accessed in the links below.
Print-Only Copies of Elementary School-Home Compacts
Banneker Elementary School
Banneker Title I School-Home Compact
Bertram Caruthers Elementary School
Caruthers Title I School-Home Compact
Claude Huyck Elementary School
Claude Huyck Title I School-Home Compact
Douglass Elementary School
Douglass Title I School-Home Compact
Emerson Elementary School
Emerson Title I School-Home Compact
Eugene Ware Elementary School
Eugene Ware Title I School-Home Compact
Frances Willard Elementary School
Frances Willard Title I School-Home Compact
Frank Rushton Elementary School
Frank Rushton Title I School-Home Compact
Grant Elementary School
Grant Title I School-Home Compact
Hazel Grove Elementary School
Hazel Grove Title I School-Home Compact
John Fiske Elementary School
John Fiske Title I School-Home Compact
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
John F. Kennedy Title I School-Home Compact
Lindbergh Elementary School
Lindbergh Title I School-Home Compact
Lowell Brune Elementary School
Lowell Brune Title I School-Home Compact
Mark Twain Elementary School
Mark Twain Title I School-Home Compact
McKinley Elementary School
McKinley Title I School-Home Compact
M. E. Pearson Elementary School
M. E. Pearson Title I School-Home Compact
New Chelsea Elementary School
New Chelsea Title I School-Home Compact
New Stanley Elementary School
New Stanley Title I School-Home Compact
Noble Prentis Elementary School
Noble Prentis Title I School-Home Compact
Quindaro Elementary School
Quindaro Title I School-Home Compact
Silver City Elementary School
Silver City Title I School-Home Compact
Stony Point North Elementary School
Stony Point North Title I School-Home Compact
Stony Point South Elementary School
Stony Point South Title I School-Home Compact
T. A. Edison Elementary School
T. A. Edison Title I School-Home Compact
Welborn Elementary School
Welborn Title I School-Home Compact
West Park Elementary School
West Park Title I School-Home Compact
Whittier Elementary School
Print-Only Copies of Middle School-Home Compacts
Argentine Middle School
Argentine Title I School-Home Compact
Arrowhead Middle School
Arrowhead Title I School-Home Compact
Carl Bruce Middle School
Carl B. Bruce Title I School-Home Compact
Central Middle School
Central Title I School-Home Compact
Eisenhower Middle School
Eisenhower Title I School-Home Compact
Gloria Willis Middle School
Gloria Willis Title I School-Home Compact
Rosedale Middle School
Family Engagement Plans
- About Family Engagement Plans
- Print-Only Elementary School Family Engagement Plans
- Print-Only Middle School Family Engagement Plans
About Family Engagement Plans
Each school year, every KCKPS school develops a Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan to provide regular opportunities for parents, families, and schools to exchange ideas about how to support and promote the educational growth of each student. Working together ensures a high level of success for every student. Listed below are ways in which schools and families partner together in educating students during the course of the school year.
Opportunities for Parent/Guardians to Support Student Academic Achievement
Each year, your student's teacher will contact you to develop a home/school connection and provide you with an email address and phone number where you can regularly contact him/her with questions/concerns. Additionally, the school will provide parents with a calendar/schedule of engagement events such as those below.
- Open House and Back to School Nights
- Family Advocacy Days
- Curriculum Nights
- Other Meetings and Celebrations
Opportunities for Parent/Guardians to be Informed of Annual Student Achievement and Growth
While teachers will provide you with frequent informal progress reports, our school will also provide you with the following formal student achievement reports during each year.
- FastBridge achievement reports
- Mid-Quarter and Quarterly Grade Reports
- Grade Level KEP English Language Arts (ELA) & Math achievement reports (Spring)
- On an individual basis: KEPLA reports
Opportunities for Parent/Guardians to be Involved in School Community Activities
- Title I Annual Program Planning & Review Meeting
- Title I Annual Parent Evaluation Survey
- Other School/Neighborhood Specific Events
In addition to the Parental Involvement/Family Engagement Plan, the schools also partner with families through the School-Home Compact (listed above). The School-Home compacts are developed with input from parents, staff, and students to outline the important things each of them can do to provide the best possible education for each student.
A compliant print-only PDF facsimile document of each KCKPS Title I Parental Involvement/Family Engagement Plan can be accessed in the links below.
Print-Only Elementary School Family Engagement Plans
Banneker Elementary School
Banneker Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Bertram Caruthers Elementary School
Caruthers Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Claude Huyck Elementary School
Claude Huyck Title I Parental Involvement - Family Engagement Plan
Douglass Elementary School
Douglass Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Emerson Elementary School
Emerson Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Eugene Ware Elementary School
Eugene Ware Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Frances Willard Elementary School
Frances Willard Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Frank Rushton Elementary School
Frank Rushton Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Grant Elementary School
Grant Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Hazel Grove Elementary School
Hazel Grove Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
John Fiske Elementary School
John Fiske Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
John F. Kennedy Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Lindbergh Elementary School
Lindbergh Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Lowell Brune Elementary School
Lowell Brune Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Mark Twain Elementary School
Mark Twain Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
McKinley Elementary School
McKinley Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
M. E. Pearson Elementary School
M. E. Pearson Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
New Chelsea Elementary School
New Chelsea Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
New Stanley Elementary School
New Stanley Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Noble Prentis Elementary School
Noble Prentis Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Quindaro Elementary School
Quindaro Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Silver City Elementary School
Silver City Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Stony Point North Elementary School
Stony Point North Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Stony Point South Elementary School
Stony Point South Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
T. A. Edison Elementary School
T. A. Edison Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Welborn Elementary School
Welborn Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
West Park Elementary School
West Park Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Whittier Elementary School
Whittier Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Print-Only Middle School Family Engagement Plans
Argentine Middle School
Argentine Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Arrowhead Middle School
Arrowhead Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Carl Bruce Middle School
Carl B. Bruce Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Central Middle School
Central Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Eisenhower Middle School
Eisenhower Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Gloria Willis Middle School
Gloria Willis Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan
Rosedale Middle School
Rosedale Title I Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan