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Wyandotte County Infant-Toddler Services

What is the Infant-Toddler Services Program?

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates special education for children from birth through age 21. A section of this law (Part C) sets guidelines for services for infants and toddlers with disabilities. The State of Kansas administers these services through the Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), and Kansas City Kansas Public Schools serves as the lead financial agency for the Wyandotte County Infant Toddler Program (WYCO ITS). WY CO ITS serves all eligible children in Wyandotte County including children residing in the Turner, Bonner Springs, Edwardsville, and Piper school district boundaries.

Who Is Eligible for Services?

Infant-Toddler Services are provided to all eligible children through age 36 months and their families. Eligibility is determined by a multi-disciplinary evaluation which demonstrates the child has a 25% delay in one developmental area, or a 20% developmental delay in two or more developmental areas or a ​diagnosed condition from a medical provider that is likely to result in such a delay. Wyandotte County Infant Toddler Services program serves all eligible children who reside in Wyandotte County, KS.

Approximately 600 children ​and families receive services annually through this program.

What Services are Provided?

A variety of services are named in the Part C regulations and must be available if needed. In practice, most children and families’ needs are met by one or more of the following services: Developmental Intervention, Speech Language Services, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy, Social Work, or Vision and Hearing Services.

The focus of all services is to increase the capacity of families to work toward identified outcomes with their own children in the child’s natural environment. ​Parents are collaborative partners in designing strategies and interventions and supporting growth between home visits.  An Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) is written with each family. As a part of every plan, one of the service providers will assume the role of Family Service Coordinator (FSC). The FSC is responsible for monitoring the IFSP process and connecting the family to other resources necessary to meet their needs.

Where are the Services Provided?

In accordance with best practices and state and federal regulations, children are served in their natural environments to the maximum extent possible. This is defined as being a place where children would naturally be if they did not have a disability. Most often, this is the family home or childcare setting, but could include other community settings, as well. During the current pandemic, all services are being provided through tele-health intervention.

What if I think a child may need services?

Anyone can make a referral. Most often, referrals come from health care providers, other community agencies (Parents as Teachers, Early Head Start, etc.) and family members. A referral can be made by calling 913.627.5500 or by accessing the online referral form at

When a referral is made, a member of our staff will contact the family within 2 working days. An intake call is scheduled with the family to prepare for a full evaluation of the child. If the child is eligible, the service providers and family work together to create the Individualized Family Service Plan. The plan is reviewed each six months and continues until the child turns three or is no longer eligible.

Services are provided at no cost to families.

For additional information regarding services through the Wyandotte County Infant-Toddler Services program, please contact or call 913-627-5500 and talk to a staff member about your questions. You may also email WY CO ITS at