Contact Us/Directory
Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools
Central Office and Training Center
2010 N. 59th Street
Kansas City, KS 66104
Directory Search
Central Office Directory
- Superintendent's Office
- Board Clerk
- Leadership & Learning
- Finances and Operations
- Purchasing/Accounts Payable
- Risk Management
- Communications & Marketing
- Department of Federal Programs
- Human Resources
- Athletics & Activities
- Health Services
- Student Support Programs
- McKinney-Vento
- Kidzone
- Diploma+ College & Career Instructional Programs
- Department of Evaluation, Research, and Assessment (DERA)
- Department of Early Childhood Elementary Instruction (EC-5)
- Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
- Kansas City, Kansas Foundation for Excellence
- Kansas National Education Association (KNEA)
- Multilingual Education and Services
- Parents as Teachers
- Print Shop/Copy Center/Inter-School
- KCK Public Libraries
- Wyandotte Comprehensive Special Education Cooperative
- Instructional Media Center (IMC) Library
- Federal Programs
Superintendent's Office
Board Clerk
Leadership & Learning

Dr. Danira Fernandez-Flores
Finances and Operations
Operations - Business & Finance Leadership
Operations - Business & Finance Support Staff
Purchasing/Accounts Payable
Purchasing/Accounts Payable - Support Staff
Risk Management
Communications & Marketing
Department of Federal Programs
Human Resources

Chalita Middleton
Office Support
Certified Support
Classified Support
Payroll Support
Employment & Substitute Support
Licensure, Development & Alternative Certification Programs

Chalita Middleton
Investigation & Grievance Support
Benefits, FMLA, Leave & ADA
Athletics & Activities
Health Services
Student Support Programs
Student Support Programs Leadership
Student Support Programs Office Support Staff
Diploma+ College & Career Instructional Programs

Dr. Danira Fernandez-Flores
Instructional Programs
College and Career Programs
Professional Development
Instructional Technology (EC-12)
Early Childhood & Elementary (EC-5)
Secondary (6-12)
(IARC) Integrated Arts Resource Center (K-12)
Karina Dominguez Gutierrez
Multi-Tiered System of Support (K-12)
Department of Evaluation, Research, and Assessment (DERA)
Department of Early Childhood Elementary Instruction (EC-5)
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Kansas City, Kansas Foundation for Excellence
Kansas National Education Association (KNEA)
Multilingual Education and Services
Parents as Teachers
Print Shop/Copy Center/Inter-School
KCK Public Libraries
Wyandotte Comprehensive Special Education Cooperative
Instructional Media Center (IMC) Library
Federal Programs
Directory for Other District Buildings
- Facilities/Shop
- Nutritional Services
- Integrated Arts Resource Center (IARC)
- Transportation
- KCKPS Police Department
- Technology & Information Services (TIS)
- Wyandotte County Infant-Toddler Services
Office Support Staff
Nutritional Services
Nutritional Services Main Line: 913-627-3900
Integrated Arts Resource Center (IARC)
Karina Dominguez Gutierrez
Transportation Main Line (59th Street Location): 913-627-3300
Transportation Main Line (Parallel Parkway Location): 913-627-3100
KCKPS Police Department
Technology & Information Services (TIS)
TIS Help Desk: 913-279-2330
TIS Department Line: 913-279-2272
Wyandotte County Infant-Toddler Services
School Directory
Early Childhood Centers
Bethel Early Childhood Center
7850 Yecker Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66109
Phone: 913-627-3000
Fax: 913-627-5401
Earl Watson Jr. Early Childhood Center
6611 Waverly Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66104
Phone: 913-627-5350
Fax: 913-596-5480
KCK Early Childhood Center
1708 N. 55th Street
Kansas City, KS 66102
Phone: 913-627-6590
Fax: 913-596-1990
Morse Early Childhood Center
912 S. Baltimore Street
Kansas City, KS 66105
Phone: 913-627-6550
Fax: 913-627-6566
Elementary Schools
Banneker Elementary School
2026 N. 4th Street
Kansas City, KS 66101
Phone: 913-627-4700
Fax: 913-627-4776
Bertram Caruthers Elementary School
1100 Waverly Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66104
Phone: 913-627-4750
Fax: 913-627-4786
Claude Huyck Elementary School
1530 N. 83rd Street
Kansas City, KS 66112
Phone: 913-627-4650
Fax: 913-627-4686
Douglass Elementary School
1310 N. 9th Street
Kansas City, KS 66101
Phone: 913-627-5100
Fax: 913-627-5108
Emerson Elementary School
1429 S. 29th Street
Kansas City, KS 66106
Phone: 913-627-5900
Fax: 913-627-5937
Eugene Ware Elementary School
4820 Oakland Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66102
Phone: 913-627-5950
Fax: 913-627-5986
Frances Willard Elementary School
3400 Orville Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66102
Phone: 913-627-6100
Fax: 913-627-6126
Frank Rushton Elementary School
2605 W. 43rd Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66103
Phone: 913-627-3050
Fax: 913-627-3088
Grant Elementary School
1510 N. 4th Street
Kansas City, KS 66101
Phone: 913-627-4300
Fax: 913-627-4303
Hazel Grove Elementary School
2401 N. 67th Street
Kansas City, KS 66104
Phone: 913-627-7000
Fax: 913-627-7027
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
2600 N. 72nd Street
Kansas City, KS 66109
Phone: 913-627-4950
Fax: 913-627-4986
John Fiske Elementary School
625 S. Valley Street
Kansas City, KS 66105
Phone: 913-627-4850
Fax: 913-627-4876
Lindbergh Elementary School
641 N. 57th Street
Kansas City, KS 66102
Phone: 913-627-5150
Fax: 913-627-5176
Lowell Brune Elementary School
2220 N. 89th Terrace
Kansas City, KS 66109
Phone: 913-627-5700
Fax: 913-627-5701
M. E. Pearson Elementary School
310 N. 11th Street
Kansas City, KS 66102
Phone: 913-627-3150
Fax: 913-627-3176
Mark Twain Elementary School
2300 Minnesota Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66102
Phone: 913-627-5200
Fax: 913-627-5246
McKinley Elementary School
1301 Armstrong Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66102
Phone: 913-627-7350
Fax: 913-627-7380
New Chelsea Elementary School
2500 Wood Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66104
Phone: 913-627-5000
Fax: 913-627-5013
New Stanley Elementary School
3604 Metropolitan Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66106
Phone: 913-627-3950
Fax: 913-627-3976
Noble Prentis Elementary School
2337 S. 14th Street
Kansas City, KS 66103
Phone: 913-627-5250
Fax: 913-627-5276
Quindaro Elementary School
2800 Farrow Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66104
Phone: 913-627-4400
Fax: 913-627-4409
Silver City Elementary School
2515 Lawrence Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66106
Phone: 913-627-4550
Fax: 913-627-4576
Stony Point North Elementary School
8200 Elizabeth Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66112
Phone: 913-627-4500
Fax: 913-627-4537
Stony Point South Elementary School
150 S. 78th Street
Kansas City, KS 66111
Phone: 913-627-4600
Fax: 913-627-4626
T.A. Edison Elementary School
1000 Locust Street
Kansas City, KS 66103
Phone: 913-627-4900
Fax: 913-722-7486
Welborn Elementary School
5200 Leavenworth Road
Kansas City, KS 66104
Phone: 913-627-4450
Fax: 913-627-4477
West Park Elementary School
2600 N. 44th Street
Kansas City, KS 66104
Phone: 913-627-6250
Fax: 913-627-6282
Whittier Elementary School
295 S. 10th Street
Kansas City, KS 66102
Phone: 913-627-6400
Fax: 913-627-6449
Middle Schools
Argentine Middle School
2123 Ruby Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66106
Phone: 913-627-6750
Fax: 913-627-6783
Arrowhead Middle School
1715 N. 82nd Street
Kansas City, KS 66112
Phone: 913-627-6600
Fax: 913-627-6654
Carl B. Bruce Middle School
2100 N. 18th Street
Kansas City, KS 66104
Phone: 913-627-4000
Fax: 913-627-4052
Central Middle School
925 Ivandale Street
Kansas City, KS 66101
Phone: 913-627-6150
Fax: 913-627-6152
Eisenhower Middle School
2901 N. 72nd Street
Kansas City, KS 66109
Phone: 913-627-6450
Fax: 913-627-6455
Gloria Willis Middle School
1735 N. 64th Terrace
Kansas City, KS 66102
Phone: 913-627-6300
Fax: 913-627-6358
Rosedale Middle School
3600 Springfield Street
Kansas City, KS 66103
Phone: 913-627-6900
Fax: 913-627-6957
High Schools
F. L. Schlagle High School
2214 N. 59th Street
Kansas City, KS 66104
Phone: 913-627-7500
Fax: 913-627-7555
J.C. Harmon High School
2400 Steele Road
Kansas City, KS 66106
Phone: 913-627-7050
Fax: 913-627-7185
Sumner Academy of Arts and Science
1610 N. 8th Street
Kansas City, KS 66101
Phone: 913-627-7200
Fax: 913-627-7205
Washington High School
7340 Leavenworth Road
Kansas City, KS 66109
Phone: 913-627-7800
Fax: 913-627-7850
Wyandotte High School
2501 Minnesota Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66102
Phone: 913-627-7650
Fax: 913-627-7700
Alternative Schools
Alfred Fairfax Academy
2226 N. 85th Street
Kansas City, KS 66109
Phone: 913-627-6700
Fax: 913-627-6737
3101 N. 10th Street
Kansas City, KS 66104
Phone: 913-627-6702
Fax: 913-627-6701
Juvenile Services Center
738 Ann Ave
Kansas City, KS 66101
Phone: 913-573-8107
Camber Academy
4300 Brenner Drive
Kansas City, KS 66104
Phone: 913-890-7400
Fax: 913-334-0284
Virtual Learning
2212 N. 59th Street
Kansas City, Kansas 66104
Phone: 913-573-8107