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Title IX Information

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 Is a federal statute that prohibits sex discrimination in any educational program or activity receiving federal funds.  Title IX states:

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

All students (as well as other persons) at institutions /districts that receive federal funds are protected by Title IX – regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, race, or national origin – in all aspects of a recipient’s educational programs and activities (OCR Title IX Resource Guide).

Sexual Harassment and Discrimination on the basis of sex is not tolerated in the Kansas City, Kansas Public School.  For questions regarding our policy on sexual harassment and discrimination, please review Board policies AH/GAAC/JGEC and KN or contact our Title IX District Coordinator using the information located on this page.

In compliance with the United States Department of Education requirements, click on the links below to review Title IX Regulations Training Materials on Title IX Regulations.

Staff Reporting Requirements

Title IX regulations state a school or district has actual knowledge when notice of allegations of sexual harassment are reported to any school employee; or any employee personally observes such behavior. A school or district employee includes Title IX Coordinators, administrators, teachers, teacher’s aides, counselors, school resource officers, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, maintenance staff workers, or any other employee.  

Actual knowledge is met when any employee: Witnesses the conduct; Hears about the conduct from the alleged victim or anyone else (e.g., parent, friend, peer, anonymous reporter); or receives a written report of the conduct from the alleged victim or anyone else. Essentially, every employee is now a mandated reporter when actual knowledge of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct occurs. It’s everyone’s responsibility to stop, prevent, and remedy sexual harassment behaviors from continuing, once we become aware of this actual knowledge.

How to Make a Report

Report any Title IX or sexual harassment issues to your supervisor.  In most cases, your supervisor will be the building principal, department director or department manager.  To find out information regarding the identity of your department or school Title IX Coordinator, please contact your Department Director, Manager or school principal.

If the alleged harasser is one of these individuals, you can make the report to that individual’s supervisor or to the Human Resources department.  Additionally, you can also make a report directly to the District, Department, or School Title IX Coordinator. 

Click on "Contacts for Alleged Discrimination on the Basis of Sex/Gender"' tab below for the district contact information for the Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools Title IX District Coordinator.