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Pathways to Teaching

Beginning Teacher Induction Program

The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) requires all new teachers to the profession participate in a two-year mentoring program. Upon successful completion of this two-year program, the teacher will be eligible to move to a Professional Level license in the state of Kansas.

All first and second year teachers to the profession will participate in the KCKPS Beginning Teachers Induction Program (BTIP).?? This program provides support to these teachers by providing the following;

  • A building level mentor for two years
  • Weekly professional development at the building level
  • Monthly professional development at the district level
  • Support from building administration and Instructional Coaches
  • Support for obtaining a Professional Teaching License

Program requirements include the completion of a Performance assessment each semester, completion of mentor/mentee logs, and attendance at all meetings.

For further information, contact the Professional Workforce Development Office at (913) 279-2259.

Student Teaching in KCKPS

KCKPS and the Professional Workforce Development team partner with a number of colleges and universities to support students completing their practicum, internship, and/or student teaching experiences. We welcome the opportunity to host these individuals in our schools and classrooms as they continue their career development in education.

To request an opportunity for placement in one of our schools to complete a practicum, internship, or student teaching, please contact Tanya Selectman at (913) 279-2259.



KCK Alternative Certification Programs

KCK Teaching Fellows: Secondary Education

Ready for a rewarding career change? If you have a bachelor's degree in science, Spanish, technology, engineering, math, business, or English/language arts, you can develop the skills needed to make a difference in students' lives. The Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools has a Teaching Fellows program, allowing you to teach in a classroom full-time while earning a Master of Science in Education degree from Fort Hays State University.

Fort Hays State University Program Requirements:

  • Hold a four-year degree
  • 2.75 GPA on most recent 60 credit hours
  • Pass the Praxis content exam before starting university coursework
  • Hired as a Teacher of Record in the qualified content area
  • Two-year program
  • 36 credit hours
  • Classes are held at the district onsite twice a week 

Limited Residency License: PK-12

The Limited Residency License (LRL) program is a partnership between Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools and Fort Hays State University. The LRL program provides a unique opportunity to earn a Master of Special Education, High Incidence, while working as a special education teacher in our district.

Fort Hays State University (LRL) Program Requirements:

  • Hold a four-year degree
  • One year of paraprofessional experience or similar experience
  • 2.5 GPA
  • Eligible for the Limited Residency License while completing the program
  • Employed as a special education teacher in Kansas while taking coursework
  • Two-or-three year program
  • 36 credit hours
  • 100% online

SPED Waiver Program Requirements

  • Hold a Kansas teacher license in any content area
  • Eligible for a SPED Waiver & Provisional License
  • Teach in a special education classroom while taking coursework
  • 24 credit hours to obtain licensure only
  • 36 credit hours to obtain a master’s and licensure
  • 100% online

Teacher Apprentice Program: Elementary Education

Are you a Paraprofessional, ESL Aide, Instructional Aide, Elementary Teacher Assistant, or Building Substitute with instructional responsibilities for at least eight hours a week? If so, the Teacher Apprentice Program (TAP) allows teacher candidates to earn a Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Unified/Elementary Education from Wichita State University and remain in their current role.

Wichita State University Program Requirements:

  • Hold a two-year or four-year degree (KCKPS educational scholarship requirement)
  • 2.0 GPA
  • Two-or-three-year program
  • 65 credit hours (based on transcript evaluation)
  • Accelerated, 100% online
  • Licensure Options
    • Early Childhood Unified (Birth - 3rd grade)
    • Elementary Education (K - 6 grade)
    • Early Childhood Unified (Birth - 3rd grade) and Elementary Education (K - 6 grade)

Teacher of Record (TOR) Requirements

  • Maintain continuous enrollment in TAP
  • Complete one semester of WSU coursework w/bachelor’s degree
  • Complete two semesters of WSU coursework w/associate’s degree
  • Minimum 2.75 GPA
  • Meet performance expectations of Effective or higher on the Kansas Educator Evaluation Protocol
  • Demonstrate the satisfactory performance of Effective or higher on the Professional Disposition Evaluation
  • Offer of employment extended/accepted to be the TOR before applying for licensure

Educational tuition assistance is available for those who qualify.

Information Sessions

Fort Hays State University Program/KCK Teaching Fellows Virtual Information Sessions

November 5, 2024: 5 - 6 p.m. 
December 3, 2024: 5 - 6 p.m. 
February 4, 2025: 5 - 6 p.m. 
March 11, 2025: 5 -6 p.m. 

session registration link

Wichita State University/Teacher Apprentice Program (TAP) Virtual Information Sessions

October 8, 2024: 5 - 6 p.m. 
October 14, 2024: 5 - 6 p.m. 
March 18, 2025: 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. 
April 15, 2025: 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. 
May 6, 2025: 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. 

session registration link

Fort Hays State University/Limited Teacher Residency License (LRL) Virtual Information Sessions

December 11, 2024: 5 - 6 p.m.
February 5, 2025: 5 - 6 p.m.
March 12, 2025: 5 - 6 p.m.

Session Registration Link